
lørdag den 22. oktober 2011

Half & Half olive combo with a bronze striper

2011.09.22 I suddenly felt that fall was just round the corner, so I chose this olive combo to smooth out that fact.
On the pinkie and ring finger I used China Glaze Peace on Earth, and on the rest I used CG It's Alive from 2011 Halloween collection with it's georgeous glitter, and CG Westside Warrior from the Metro Collection. The striper is an Art Club Bronze, and the top coat is Seche Vite.
I must say, that I fell totally and utterly in love with the combination, especially It's Alive. Had you told me a few weeks back, that I was going to actually like olive green nail polish, I would have laughed long and hard :)
Den 22.09.11 følte jeg pludseligt at efteråret lurede lige rundt hjørnet, så jeg valgte denne olivengrønne kombination for at tage brodden lidt af det faktum.
På lille- og ringfinger brugte jeg China Glaze Peace on Earth, og på resten en half & half af CG It's Alive fra 2011 Halloween collection, og CG Westside Warrior fra Metro Collection. Nail art farven er Art Club Bronze, og top coat er Seche Vite.
Jeg indrømmer gerne, at jeg faldt fuldstændigt pladask for kombinationen, især It's Alive, der er en lækker glitterfarve. Hvis nogen nogle få uger tidligere havde sagt til mig, at jeg ville synes om olivengrønne farver på mine negle, så havde jeg brudt sammen af grin....

2 kommentarer:

  1. Yes, the same with me.. If somebody told me six months ago that I'm going to wear green nail polish on my hails I would surely laugh loudly! But, now I have so many polishes, and so many green polishes too...!
    I like this manicure idea and this glitter is georgeous!


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