
søndag den 6. november 2011

China Glaze Oxidized Aqua Crackle Glaze, swatches over 20 colors + review – test og anmeldelse.

 The base colors - base farverne

Base color/farve #: 1 OPI Planks A Lot, 2 Color Club Wild At Heart, 3 CG (China Glaze) Secret peri-Wink-Le, 4 CG Turned Up Turqoise, 5 CH Sea Spray, 6 CG Happy Go Lucky, 7 CG Papaya Punch, 8 Orly Orange Punch, 9 CG White On White, 10 OPI Pros & Bronze, 11 CG Cross iron, 12 CG Midnight Kiss, 13 Misa Teddy Bear, 14 MK Terre de Sienne, 15 OPI I Brake For Manicures, 16 CG Concrete Catwalk, 17 Orly Goth, 18 OPI Be A Dahlia Won’t you, 19 CG Red Pearl, 20 CG Eyes Like Sapphires. And after that I in the middle (i midten) added CH Senorita Bonita and Orly Gliz & Glamour. On top of that an even (neither thick nor thin/øverst et hverken tykt eller tyndt lag) coat of Oxidized Aqua + a top coat.

Dansk, længere nede.
Recently I did a similar set of swatches and a review on China Glaze Black Mesh CrackleGlaze, and the final result was this. So now I have decided to do the same with the four CG’ crackle polishes, that I have, and today it’s Oxidized Aqua. I thought I would like it, but when I got it, I was a bit disappointed, but let’s give it a fair try.
It’s easy to apply, but I see a very clear pattern: It crackles very well on the lighter/brighter colors and very poorly on the dark colors.
Tomorrow I’ll do a manicure with the chosen color/s, but what color do you prefer under China Glaze Oxidized Aqua?

For nylig lavede jeg en tilsvarende test med China Glaze BlackMesh Crackle Glaze, og jeg har besluttet lave en tilsvarende for de fire CG Crackle Glaze’s jeg har. Det endte med DETTE RESULTAT. I dag er det Oxidized Aqua. Da jeg modtog den blev jeg lidt skuffet, men lad os give den en fair chance.
Den er let at lægge på, men jeg ser et klart mønster, den krakelerer dårligere på de mørke farver end på de lyse.
I morgen vil jeg lægge den ovenpå den valgte farve, hvilke/n kan du bedst li’?

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