
søndag den 25. december 2011

The Christmas Story: Santa and the chimney, day 15 - Jule historien: Julemanden og skorstenen, dag 15

The mystery of why Santa in some countries knock on the door on the evening of the 24th,  like in Denmark, where the little mouse lives, and in some countries come down the chimney during the night filled a lot in the little mouse’s mind. So when she fell asleep she dreamed that she was looking at a fireplace, and then suddenly she heard a noise. It was Santa who had fallen with his head first down the chimney, but he was not injured, he laughed and had a little dust in his white beard and on his face, and his sack filled with presents, was OK too. She woke because she laughed loudly :)
To be continued on December 30th, in the meantime I’ll show you 4 of the colors from China Glaze’s Eye candy collection.
Mysteriet om hvorfor julemaden bankede på døren og kom med gaver juleaften i nogle lande, som i Danmark, hvor den lille mus bor, og i nogle lande kommer ned igennem skorsten i løbet af natten i andre lande, fyldte meget i den lille mus’s tanker. Så om natten drømte hun, at hun kiggede på en pejs, og pludselig hørte hun en lyd. Det var julemanden der var snublet på taget og nu var på vej ned gennem skorstenen med hovedet først. Men han slog sig heldigvis ikke, han lo højt og havde fået lidt sod og støv i sit hvide skæg samt på ansigtet, og sækken med julegaver var også uskadt. Hun vågnede ved at hun kluklo :)
Fortsættes den 30. december, men i mellemtiden vil jeg vise jer nogle af lakkerne fra China Glaze Eye candy collection.

Base color is China Glaze Icicle on all fingers except the middle finger, that is China Glaze Little Drummer Boy. The motifs are freehanded with acrylic colors.
Grundfarven er China Glaze Icicle på alle finger på nær langemand, der er China Glaze Little Drummer Boy. Motiverne har jeg malet med acryl farver.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Good Santa made it to little mouse's house with lot of presents:)Very lovely and artistic manicure:)
    Wishing you and your family all the best this Christmas,and a year full of love and joy:*God bless you my dear friend:*

  2. Thank you Mimi, you make me blush :)
    And thank you likewise, and I'm happy to have you on my blog and as a new friend :)

  3. Thank you Nail Reflections, I'm not entirely happy with it, I liked the day 14 better :)


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