
søndag den 1. januar 2012

The Christmas Story: A dream of New Year in the big city, day 18 - Jule historien: En drøm om nytårsaften i storbyen, dag 18

The little mouse used to live in the big city, but by accident she ended up in the little cottage in the woods by the nice family, and she did not miss the city one bit. But she remembered what it looked like on New Year’s eve, and in her dream, she relived the sight of the skyscrapers and the fireworks.
This was the last part of the little mouse’s Christmas story, and if you want her to tell more during this year, she might want to do so…
Den lille mus havde tidligere boet i den store by, men ved et tilfælde endte hun i den lille hytte ude i skoven hos den søde familie, og hun savnede ikke byen så meget som et sekund. Men hun huskede hvor flot storbyen var nytårsaften, og i drømme genoplevede hun synet af skyskraberne og fyrværkeriet.
Dette var den sidste del af julehistorien fortalt af den lille mus, og hvis du gerne vil have hende til at fortælle mere i løbet af året, er hun måske villig til det…

These pretty hands and nails belong to my ”bonus” daughter Anne, who would wear black, silver and purple on New Year’s Eve. So she wanted me to give her a mani, and I decided to go for the big city, inspired by Robin Moses in this tutorial and I changed it a bit. The black nails are 2 coats of Essie Licorice and the silver nails are China Glaze Icicle, the rest are acrylic colors. In the fireworks I placed small purple hexagon glitters, but it’s difficult to see them on these photos. On her pinkies I used clear polish to make the purple glitter dust stick. I received it the day before, and tried for the first time. It will be easier, when I get the special glue, that dries slower. On top is Seche Vite dry fast top coat.
Disse smukke negle tilhører min “bonus” datter Anne, der nytårsaften skulle have en sort og sølgvfarvet kjole på og en violet hat. Hun ville gerne have nytårsnegle, og det syntes jeg jo var herligt. Jeg endte op med at tage udgangspunkt i Robin Moses videovejledning, men ændrede designet efter behov og smag. De sorte negle er 2 lag Essie Licorice, og de sølvfarvede er China Glaze Icicle, resten er acrylfarver. Jeg har sat violette hexagon glitter i toppen af fyrværkeriet, men de er ikke lette at se på billederne. På lillefingrene har jeg brug klar lak til at få det violette glitterstøv til at sidde fast. Jeg fik glitterstøvet dagen før, så det var første forsøg. Det bliver lettere, når jeg får den lidt langsommere tørrende lim, som jeg har bestilt. Top coat er Seche Vite. 
PS: Læg mærke til, at jeg nu har tilføjet en fane "neglelakker til salg", hvis du kigger på fanebladene øverst på siden...

7 kommentarer:

  1. These are beautiful! I love your buildings! I agree with mouse I wouldn't miss the big city either! But I would watch it on TV!

  2. Very pretty mani,I love how you did the fireworks:)Looks really cool:)And yes I would love to read more stories about the little mouse:)

  3. Thank you lovely ladies!
    I also would HATE to live in a citry...!
    And the little mouse and I had a talk, she would like to come back later in the year :)

  4. nice dreams little mouse had ;-D
    happy new year dear :-D

  5. Yes, it was :)
    And a Happy New Year to you too, Nail crazy!

  6. This is so cute! I'm from NYC so I really love this mani!

  7. Thank you, I Bleed Polish (awesome name), and thanks for joining as a follower, I just followed your blog too :)
    You might like the other parts of the Christmas Story too :)


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