
onsdag den 11. januar 2012

Cute Blog Award

The sweet Kimberly with the wonderful blog Nail Reflections has AGAIN passed on an award to me, thank you so much :) - please visit her blog!
It is the:
Here are the rules:
1. Link back person who awarded you
2. Answer award questions
3. Tell us something about yourself you haven't told us in your blog yet?
4. Award as many blogs you think are worthy of this award 
5. Make sure to let those you give this award know you awarded them!
IMPORTANT: Make a post to answer these questions :- )

1. What is your go to makeup product?
Brow- & kohlpencil.

2. What was your favorite fashion trend of 2011?
Magnetic nail polish.

3. What is your favorite dessert?
Ris a'lamande.

4. Favorite color? 
Cobalt Blue and or purple.

5. What is your middle name?    
6. What was the last song you listened to?
U2, I still haven't found what I'm looking for.

7. cats or dogs?
 I send this award to:

5 kommentarer:

  1. Aww your so Sweet! And you like cobalt too!!

  2. congrats... and thanks for passing it to me :-D

  3. Thank you dear,will try to these posts tomorow:)

  4. Thank you so much!!! Ill try to get the post up as soon as I can!(:

  5. Nail Reflections, so are you :) - Cobalt blue, purple and I also failed to mention that strong, vibrant cold green (a little more green than teal), but I do not know the English name for it...

    Nail crazy, you deserve it :)

    Mimi, you deserve it, and no rush, just in your own time :)

    Paint that nail, you deserve it, and no rush, just in your own time :)


Please do NOT link spam! Comments with links will very likely be removed. If you want me to look at your blog, send me an email!