
onsdag den 25. januar 2012

Dry fast top coat comparison - Poshe, Seche Vite + Secco Secco

Dansk, se længere nede.
As promised in my previous post today, I have a comparison test between the 3 dry fast top coats that I own, the reason is my experience with Poshe yesterday, .
First I cleaned the nails with rubbing alcohol to remove any natural oils. Then I applied 1 coat of Essie Fill The Gap base coat, and when dry 2 coats of China Glaze Concrete Catwalk, with dry time between the coats.
I applied the top coats as I normally do before the nail polish is entirely dry, just like it is suggested by the companies. On my index I put Secco Secco, that is a 2 minute touch dry top coat from Pro Nails. On the middle I used Poshe Super-fast Drying TopCoat that is a touch dry in 1 minute and completely dry in 5 minutes top coat. On my ring finger is Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat, that doesn’t actually make any promises anywhere I could find. But it is generally known, that it does dry very fast and also dries the layers underneath.
After 1-2 minutes they all were touch dry, touching light with a finger downwards the nail.
Som lovet i mit tidligere indlæg i dag, har jeg her en sammenligningstest mellem de 3 hurtigttørrende top coats, jeg er i besiddelse af. Grunden er min oplevelse med Poshe i går.
Først affedtede jeg neglene med propylakohol, og dernæst lagde jeg en base coat, Essie Fill The Gap. Da den var tør lagde jeg 2 lag China Glaze Concrete Catwalk med tørretid imellem.
Toplakkerne blev lagt som jeg normalt plejer at gøre, altså inden lakken er helt tør, og ligesom firmaerne anbefaler. På pegefingeren lagde jeg Secco Secco fra ProNails, der giver en berørings tør lak efter 2 minutter. På langemanden lagde jeg Poshe Super-fast Drying TopCoat, der garanterer at overfladen er berøringstør efter 1 minut og fuldstændigt tør efter 5 minutter. På ringfingeren lagde jeg Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat, der ikke giver nogen egentlig garanti på hjemmesiden, men som af rigtigt mange regnes som den hurtigst tørrende toplak, der tillige tørrer lagene under den.
Efter 1-2 minutter var de alle berøringstørre – altså med en let finger ned over neglen.

Left to right/venstre mod højre: Secco Secco, Poshe + Seche Vite
After precisely totally 5 minutes I made dent marks with the sharp corner of a nail in all 3 of them. It was easy to do, although it was a bit harder to do in the Seche Vite. A dent problem at this point can at least with Seche Vite normally be fixed by gently pressing and remodeling the area, and after another layer of Seche Vite, it’s invisible. But in this test I left the dents like they were.
Efter præcis 5 minutter i alt lavede jeg med et skarpt hjørne af en negl trykmærker i dem alle. Det var let at gøre, selvom det var en anelse sværere i Seche Vite. Et tryklmærke kan på dette tidspunkt, i hvert fald med Seche Vite, repareres ved forsigt at trykke området nogenlunde jævnt igen, og efter yderlig et lag Seche Vite er neglen flot igen. Men i denne test lod jeg mærkerne være som de var.
It was harder to make dent marks in Seche Vite 5 minutes later. Det var sværerer at lve trykmærker i Seche Vite 5 minutter senere.
Totally 10 minutes later I took a cotton pad, held it against each nail, pressed (not hard), and pulled down in one swipe like when you remove nail polish after a bit of soaking in foil or nail clips – and see below what happened.
Both Secco Secco and Poshe went off like butter. I pressed even harder on the nail with Seche Vite, and after a few tries I was able to make the polish fold a little towards the tip of the nail, but nothing more.
In my mind Seche Vite is a clear winner, the picture speaks its own language…
I heard so much positive stuff about Poshe. It’s free of formaldehyde and toluene, and some bloggers feel, that it was better than Seche Vite.
But it doesn’t work for me, each of the aprox. 5 times I have tried it, I was disappointed.
Efter i alt 10 minutter holdt jeg en vatrondel mod hver af neglene, trykkede som når jeg efter en opblødning vil trække neglelak af, og trak ned af – og se på næste foto, hvad der skete…
Både Secco Secco og Poshe gled af som smør. Jeg pressede endnu hårdere på neglen med Seche Vite, og efter et par forsøg kunne jeg få lakken til at krølle lidt på spidsen af neglen, men det var alt.
Efter min mening er Seche Vite en klar vinder, billedet taler jo sit eget tydelige sprog.
Jeg købte Poshe fordi jeg havde læst så meget positivt om den. Den er uden formaldehyd og toluen, og andre bloggere har begejstret erklæret, at den er bedre end Seche Vite – men ikke for mig.
Jeg har prøvet den ca. 5 gange nu, og den har skuffet mig hver gang.

Seche vite - a clear winner in my book - en klar vinder for mig!
Did you see the previous post today, my China Glaze ElectroPop's has arrived, klik HERE
Så du dagens tidligere indlæg - mine China Glaze ElectroPop lakker er ankommet, klik HER

11 kommentarer:

  1. yes, i love seche vite. its the only thing i use (im very impatient)

  2. Oh I guess Seche Vite really deserves all the hype it gets:)

  3. Kelly, yes, life is too short to be without Seche Vite :)

    Mimi, you really should try it, but also buy a bottle of Seche Restore too (thinner) because it gets thick when you used half the bottle.

  4. well, i did think that poshe is a good match to seche... now i know better ;-D
    great comparison, thanks :-D

    1. Thanks, Nail Crazy, others might have other preferances, but I'm for sure a Seche Vite fan :)

  5. Bummer on the Poshe. How do the others do with lines/patterns/foils underneath? The only complaint I have with SV is the pinching effect it can sometimes have on whatever design you've made

    1. Nail Nerd, I haven't tried foils yet, but I'm told they do not work well with fast drying top coats at all. But lines and patterns/designs - well each and every design on my blog is sealed with Seche Vite, and I never experienced a problem apart from an occasional smear, if I were too impatient. If it's a more delicate or complicated and time consuming design, I usually topcoat before the design, and then top coat again. I also always paint the free edge with both polish and Seche Vite, as you probably also do. I hope that answers your question :)

  6. That's Awesome comparison of fast dry top coats! Now the question is is it better the just a normal top coat if it is still taking 10 minutes? Is it really faster then just any topcoat over two coats of the polish you used?? HA HA I have created a new topic to post for you!=)

    1. Well, the Seche Vite is so quick drying, and a normal top coat would never ever compare to it. I wait max. 1 minute - and then I start typing and doing light chores. If I press something sharp to the nail accidentally, sure I leave a little mark, but you can adjust it by modeling it back into shape - and I think that Seche Vite would have stayed on the nail after 5 minutes too - but that's a new topic, thanks :)
      My big problem is however, I have material for more than a month - luxury problem, you could say LOL

  7. The last photo left me speachless.. I'm looking for a good top coat and surely this comparison will be useful to me! Thanks for this post :-)

    1. I'm happy it was useful, for me there is nothing even close to Seche Vite!


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