
mandag den 20. februar 2012

Camelot’s simplicity + A-England Camelot swatches & review - anmeldelse

A-England Camelot: When this one-coater ebony black beauty landed on my nails I couldn’t stop staring at it. I decided to go for a simple and not overwhelming pattern, starting out with a large gold circle.
But then it happened – I couldn’t bring myself to do more, and in this case I really felt the truth in the words: “less is more” and added my Seche Vite top coat…
Do you like it – or is it too simple, please be honest??
See swatches and review below.
A-England Camelot: Da denne et-lags ibenholt sorte skønhed landede på mine negle, kunne jeg ikke holde op med at stirre på dem. Men jeg besluttede at lave et simpelt og ikke overdøvende mønster, der skulle starte med en stor guld cirkel.
Men da jeg havde lavet den, skete det – jeg kunne ikke få mig selv til at gøre mere, og i dette tilfælde følte jeg for alvor sandheden i ordene: mindre er mere og lagde min Seche Vite top coat…
Kan du lide det – eller er det for enkelt, vær ærlig?
Se swatches og anmeldelse nedenstående.
A-England Camelot is raven black cream polish and actually opaque in one coat, beautiful!! I applied 2 coats, it’s easy to work with, but dries a bit slow. I added it over a ridge filler base coat, and used no top coat for these swatches.
A-England Camelot er en kulsort creme lak, der faktisk dækker ved et lag – meget, meget smuk!!! Jeg lagde dog 2 lag over en ridge filler grundlak, og jeg brugte ikke en top coat på disse billeder. Den er let at arbejde med, men tørrer lidt langsommere end jeg er vant til med China Glaze.

20 kommentarer:

  1. I like the golden dots :) Simple and classy on the black :)

    About this polish; I can honestly say I would never buy this one. To me it's just another black. The whole Mythicals collection isn't that amazing. The Legends on the other hand is another story. So pretty!

    But maybe because of The Legends I'm expecting too much from A-England. Why shouldn't they just make a simple black polish? ;p

    1. Thank you, fyeahilovenails. Yes, it's just another black, but a really nice one, I think :) I agree that there is a certain hype around this collection,...

  2. I have some awards for you at

  3. I have an award for you (again)

    1. Thank you Kelly, for both awards, especially the last one, that is your new "baby" given for the first time :)

  4. simple doesn't mean bad. I like it :)

    1. Thank you, zebra-nails, I'm really glad you like it, I felt a little silly walking around staring at simple single dots LOL

  5. wow who would had thought one simple dot would change a mani sooo much... BTW I'm still cracking up over the nail protectors ehehhehe

    1. LOL, thank you, yes, sometimes we are lucky to find the big in the small :) and the protectors also still crack me up :)

  6. I like the gold dot, I think it adds a litte something to the black! In the summer to my toe nails sometimes I would just add three dots along the side of my nail!(;

    1. Thank you Paint that nail, then you are going to love my post later today with Avalon, that exactly what I did there - on my fingers that is :)

  7. This is gorgeous. It's a really stunning combination, Maria. I love it with the single golden dot. It's simple, glossy perfection!

  8. I love simple details! Some polishes don't need to be out done!

  9. hvilken fantastisk dyb sort... synes den får min egen til at blegne... og guldprikken sætter lige prikken over i'et... super smukt...

    1. forresten, hvilken guld har du brugt?

    2. Det må have været Orly Glitz & Glamour...

  10. I adore black colour (and all dark colours), and I like this black! Also, I like the gold dots, it is simple but a very particular "touch" to this manicure!


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