
tirsdag den 21. februar 2012

Laine Blogger Award and Liebster Blog

From the sweet Kelly at Polish Enthusiast (go at check her blog out) I got two award, thanks Kelly!

First of all it's an award Kelly made a brand new reward, I'm honored to be one of the first 5! 

Kelly writes: This award is for the bloggers who I want to show love to.
1. Leave a link back to the person who gave it to you.
2. Blog about your award.
3. Give this award to 5 bloggers & let them know you give it to them. 

The next award is:
The rules: 
1. Put the link to who gave you the award.
2. Put the award in your post.
3. Choose 5 blogs under 200 followers and give them the award.
4. Tell them they received the award.

In no particular order I give BOTH awards to, and I'm sorry I left out some blogs, that I really cherish, but I felt the need to boost bloggers with less than 200 followers:

5 kommentarer:

Please do NOT link spam! Comments with links will very likely be removed. If you want me to look at your blog, send me an email!