
fredag den 30. marts 2012

Flower Solar Power - also good for Easter

It was a grey day in the end of February, and I felt like yellow and flowers.
The base color is China Glaze Solar Power and I used acrylic colors for the green lines, one-stroke flowers and dots. The top coat is Seche Vite.
It was a bit risky to choose white and yellow for the flowers, on a yellow base, but I wanted to see if the contrast would be OK or too low, especially after top coating, where a little “bleeding” can occur  – what do you think?
More Flowers? Click on “Flowers/blomster” page in the top menu.
Det var en grå dag i slutningen af februar, og jeg havde lyst til blomster på gult.
Grundfarven er China Glaze Solar Power og jeg brugte acrylfarver til de grønne linier, one-stroke blomsterne og prikkerne. Toplakken er Seche Vite.
Det var en smule risikabelt at vælge hvid og gul til blomsterne på en gul grundfarve, men jeg ville se om kontrasten blev OK, eller for lille, især efter at jeg lagde toplakken, hvor en smule sammensmeltning kan forekomme – hvad synes du?
Vi du se flere blomster? Så skal du klikke på fanebladet "Flowers/blomster" i menuen øverst på siden..

29 kommentarer:

  1. Today is a grey day in the end of march (here :) ).
    I like the base color you used, and flowers looks like apricot blossoms! :)

    1. Today is a very windy, but sunny day (here:))
      Thank you, zebra-nails, I just googled them, and I can see what you mean, looks like they come in many different shades :)

    2. In my town apricot blossoms are mainly white, so your nails looks exactly like them ;)

    3. Yes, I can see the white ones have those nice red (don't know the English name for it), hmmm apricots might start growing soon, awesome :)

    4. I've googled :), those red thing in English is called pistil, and yellow things around - stamens :). In my last comment I meant in general, because right now the trees are naked :(. But in a week or two blossoms'll surely appear :).
      Ok, no more offtopic from the nail-theme ;).

    5. It's fun with useful knowledge, OH I wish I lived in a climate where we could grow exotic fruits like that :)

  2. this is cute and yes good for easter too! I love your skills :)

    1. Thank you so much, Polish AMOR, I appreciate it!!

  3. Its raining here today,really gray and gloomy,but your super cute yellow mani bright my mood:

    1. Oh, for once we have the sun, and you the grey weather - but I'm glad I could brighten your mood :)

  4. Oh my--all those tiny dots! I can't even imagine trying that part much less the flowers. Maybe one nail only. :)

    1. Thanks KarenD, actually those dots are so easy, they almost make themselves once you are on the go, you need to visit and I'll give you an intensive course in both :)

  5. OMG! you are killing me with all your awesomeness!

    1. OH, wow, I hope not, that would be so sad, who should look after your cats for one - and I would miss you LOL - just kidding. Thank you, that was such a nice thing to say :)

  6. This is really cute! I love the yellow!

    1. I'm glad you like both the yellow and the flowers, ScarsLikeLace :)

  7. I love your flower manis. I nominated you for an award here:

    1. Aww, thank you, I appreciate that very much :) I have already received it previously,but I'll add your name and like to those I got it from :)

  8. It's a grey day here, too, but this brightened my day! The is so gorgeous. One of my favourites from you, I think. The string of little red dots is too perfect- so clear and crisp. If it was me, I'd be smudging them up everywhere, but you are "spot-on". ;) Gorgeous work, Maria!

    1. Thank you, The Lacquer Tracker, I'm glad it did. Dotting is all in the wrist, just a featherlight touch and you can keep 'em going endlessly :)

  9. i may just sign up what Fingers said ;-D
    i love it... it was a sunny day here, and these colors are so appropriate :-D

    1. Awww, you are way too kind, nail crazy, thank you!

  10. Your flower designs are SO amazing!! *swoon*

    1. Thank you, Goose, I'm so happy that you like them :)

  11. These are sooo good!!! I love them! What an awesome job!:D

    1. Thank you so much, paint that nail, I really appreciate it :)

  12. Tak, Christina, det er jeg glad for at høre :)

  13. Beautiful flowers, very cute combination! Great for Easter, i agree! Maria you are so very talented. This is amazing!Hugs

    1. Thank you so much, Lydz - hugs right back at you!


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