
fredag den 9. marts 2012

Gaga for Electric beat in the green grass

A quick and easy Friday mani...
Sorry about the goofy name, I can't help myself, it's a combination of two of the colors used, and sorry for the oily residue, I had put hand lotion on my hands and forgotten all about it, and when I came around to editing the photos, the mani was gone.
This is 2 coats of China Glaze Electric Beat, and it made me feel springy, so I used Gaga for Green for the grass, Sunshine Pop for the sun and flowers, they are both from the same collection, ElectroPop. For the clouds I used OPI Alpine Snow. I used a dotting tool for clouds, sun and flowers, a fine brush for the longer grass, you also could use a fine dotting tool, and the grass I painted like an uneven French tip.
Et lille hurtigt og let fredags design...
Undskyld det tossede navn, jeg kan ikke ladevære, det er en kombination af to af de brugte lakker – og undskyld den fedtede hinde, jeg havde taget håndlotion på og glemt alt om det, og da jeg skulle redigere fotos nogle dage senere, var manicuren taget af.
Der er brugt 2 lag China Glaze Electric Beat, der satte mig i forårshumør, jeg jeg brugte Gaga for Green til græsset, Sunshine Pop til solen og blomsterne, begge er fra den samme kollektion, ElectroPop. Til skyerne brugte jeg OPI Alpine Snow. Jeg brugte et dotting tool til skyer, sol og blomster, og græsset lavede jeg som en ujævn fransk manicure og til de længere strå, brugte jeg en fin pensel, men jeg kunne lige så got have brugt et dotting tool med mini hoved eller en tandstik.

15 kommentarer:

  1. How cute,somehow reminds me the upcoming Easter,and looks like spring.Like the Electric beat,really pretty color:)

    1. Thanks Mimi, yes, you are right, it's both spring and Easter, should have painted a little Easter Bunny on the grass :)

  2. really nice! :)

  3. This is freakin awesome!!!!!

  4. This is soooo cute! It makes me want to run outisde & roll in the grass LOL! Great work :)

    1. LOL, I'll put my fingers on the ground then, so roll away ;) - thanks, hollysagemini :)

  5. Very cute- it makes me anxious for spring! I love how you did the grass kind of like a french tip.


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