
søndag den 18. marts 2012

Precious Flowers

I needed to take new photos of Douglas Absolute Nails Precious 13, see them HERE.
I was inspired to do some flowers complementing, but not overpowering, Precious’s burgundy dark brown-red color, hence the name. 
I used acrylic colors and a fine detail brush, and I finished with a coat of Seche Vite.
The flowers make it less vampy and more "digestable" for my nails, what do you think? 
Remember that you can find all my flower mani's in the top row menu on the page "Flowers/blomster"
Jeg har taget nye billeder af Douglas Absolute Nails Precious 13, se dem HER.
Jeg fik lyst til at male blomster der komplimenterede, men ikke dominerede, Precious’s mørke rødbrune bordeaux farve, så deraf opstod navnet.
Jeg brugte akrylfarver, en fin pensel, og afsluttede med Seche Vite Top Coat.
Jeg synes blomsterne gør farven mindre vampy og mere let fordøjelig på mine negle - hvad synes du?
Husk at du kan finde alle mine blomster manicurer i top menuen under fanebladet  "Flowers/blomster"

19 kommentarer:

  1. You said it all with the name:)Precious flowers and an amazing work you have done:)

    1. Thank you Mimi, well the name was a no-brainer with that polish, but OK, I'm quite happy with them :)

  2. Årh de er søde! Hvor er du dygtig :)

    1. Ahj, altså, Doktor S, hvor er du sød - og det er drøn hyggeligt med kommentarer på dansk osse :)

  3. I agree :). And your flowers looks gorgeous!

  4. these flowers are so beautiful! :) you are so good! great work and color combination Maria! :)hugs*

  5. Beautiful, as always! I like how you've balanced the base colour with the flowers and green parts of the flowers. Lovely combo.

  6. These are so cute!!! The colors work so great with each other too!!(:

  7. Thank you ladies, I'm so glad you like them and the color combo too :)

  8. Wow, you are so talented! I wish I could do this kind of manicure.

    1. Thank you, melacine, I'm so happy you like my flowers. Acrylic colors are so easy to work with, and I trained on paper, nail wheels and whatever was close LOL

  9. great job, love the flowers, and base color is gorgeous :-D

    1. Thanks, nail crazy, LOL, I seem to remember, that you loved it already when I showed the swatches :)

  10. These are really great! Your flowers are always so pretty!

  11. Aww, thank you, ScarsLikeLace :)

  12. I like your precious flowers and I like the base colour! :-)

  13. It is a wonderful base color. <3 And the design too.

    1. I'm so pleased to hear that - thank you so much IsaBella :)


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