
fredag den 4. maj 2012

Seriously massive haul – 488 new bottles!!!!!

488 bottles of new nail polish, is a dream for any nail polish blogger, right ? Please read on...
During my recent blog break my husband and I went to Germany, the very southern part on a beer hunting trip. The weather was amazing most days, 28-32 degrees Celsius – and a lot of the time we drove along mountains with snow, it was surreal and stunning.
We drove from place to place buying beer and we slept at a new Brauerei Gaststätte each night.
But I also found a little time to visit a few DM drugstores, they carry a wide range of nail polish.
So the final result was 458 different bottles of beers that I have not yet tasted & rated on RateBeer + some we already know, see my RateBeer profile HERE – and 30 new colors of nail polish!!!
The price is so much lower in Germany (on both beer and nail polish), so I also bought colors that I normally do not wear, mainly nudes or kind-of-nudes and of course colors that I simply fell in love with. And another yellow sooo close to the ones I have, I really must have my head examined, there must be a yellow filter, that doesn’t work LOL
I'll show the colors with names soon, starting tomorrow - and I have started using the colors for nail art, a new each day...
OK – without further ado photos, and DID you think I had gotten 488 new bottles of polish, my inner child wants to know, if she fooled you for a brief moment ;)

488 nye flasker neglelak, ville være en drøm for enhver neglelaksblogger, ikke? Læs venligst videre...
Mens jeg hold blogfri for nylig tog min mand og jeg til det allersydligste Tyskland på øljagt. Vejret var forrygende, 28-32 grader de fleste dage, og meget af tiden kørte vi lang sneklædte bjergkæder – det var surrealistisk og smukt!
Vi kørte fra sted til sted for at købe øl, og vi overnattede på forskellige Brauerei Gaststätte hver nat. Men jeg fik også lidt tid til at besøge et par DM (i stil med matas), som fører et kæmpe udvalg af neglelak. Så slut resultatet blev forskellige 458 flasker øl, som jeg endnu ikke har smagt og anmeldt på RateBeer + nogle gamle kendinge, se min RateBeer profil HER – og 30 nye farver neglelak!!!
Prisen på neglelak (og øl) er som bekendt meget lavere i Tyskland end herhjemme, så jeg købte også farver, som jeg normalt ikke bruger, mest nudes og næsten-nudes, men naturligvis også en masse farver, som jeg bare forelskede mig i. OG endnu en gul, der er SÅ tæt på de gule jeg i forvejen har, jeg må virkelige se at få mit hoved undersøgt, der må være et gult filter, der ikke virker hahaha
Jeg lover at vise farverne med navne snart, de første allerede i morgen - ligesom jeg er gået igang med at lave nail art på farverne, en ny hver dag....
OK, uden yderlig snak – fotos, men forresten troede du at jeg havde fået 488 nye lakker, mit indre barn vil gerne vide om hun narrede dig et kort øjeblik ;)
The beers are all different ones except a few "oldies but goodies"
Quite pretty, right??

48 kommentarer:

  1. Great haul! :)
    You fooled me a bit :D

    1. Thanks, and LOL, my inner child loves that ;)

  2. lol, you fooled me just for a moment... i vent like: oh boy, is she really so crazy or just too rich ;-D
    nice colors you've choose :-D

    1. nail crazy - you and I both LOL - and thanks it was fun to chose them :)

  3. OMG I was like 488 bottles of polish! That's INSANE!! LOL but 30 is a big haul already...but by god that is alot of beer -=D

    1. Hahaha, I would have loved to see you expression - and yes, a lot of beer :)

  4. haha sejt jeg belv dæleme misundelig da jeg trode du havde købt alt det neglelak... det ville jeg som at komme i himle at få alt det ;)
    jeg fortalte lige min far om de mange øl, det mener han at det er himlen ;P hehe
    der er godt nok noget smukke lakker i mellem, godt man bor tet på gransen det kan da være jeg skal på neglelak jagt ;P

    1. Hahaha, det var godt :) - og ja, for mig er det dobbelt-himmel, så at sige.
      Det ville være en god ide, f.eks. i Flensburg - søg på DM (Drogerie Markt) og Douglas, så får du et stort udvalg...

  5. LOl! I was thinking 488 bottles of polish. LOL!
    Very nice haul.

    1. YES, another one - thanks, also for believing that LOL

  6. Amazing haul!! Both the nail polish, but definitely also the beer. Do you have a truck or what...?

    1. Thanks, and the number of crates of beer could fit in the back of our 4x4 Mitsubisi Pajero :)

  7. Wow, that sure is a lot of beer!! :) Looking forward to the nail polish swatches.

    1. YUP, and nice beer too - the first swatches come tomorrow :)

  8. O-M-G! that place is beautiful!!! :) can't wait for swatches!

    1. Thanks, Lydz, yes it was, most days the scenery was like that - we moved around a lot, we drove around 12-1400 kilometers in the area to get to new breweries and brew pubs - and there are a lot of them down there...

    2. wow, thats awesome! that was a lot of driving, im guessing that it was well worth it tho! :D

    3. LOL, yes a lot of driving, but totally I suppose we drove around 4000 kilometers including the journey to and from. But we both enjoy the landscapes and wildlife we see, and in Bavaria you get it all, flat land, mountains and seriously high mountains, a lot of birds we do not have in Denmark - it's so pretty...

    4. ohh that sounds wonderful Maria! :)

  9. My brain exploded just a bit trying to imagine that many bottles of polish in one trip's haul. Once I saw the polish/beer ratio it made more sense. :) Though Soul Sista ones look like fun!

    1. LOL, I'm glad it was just a little bit - I have planned Soul Sista swatches for later today...

  10. Just for a moment I really thought that you bought 488 new nail polishes and I went like "Oh my God!"... then I read all that you wrote... :-) Well, 30 new nail polishes is a great number! I can't wait to see them all, one by one! :-)
    P.S. are you "beer-aholic"? :-)

    1. hahaha, Raggio di Luna, happy to have fooled you :)
      I started drinking beer when I developed intolerance (like allergic reactions) to wine, and I soon started rating them, as you can see, so I drink beer almost every day.

  11. Hehe, du fik narret mig godt og grundigt. Jeg glæder mig ekstremt til at se neglelakkerne på, samt alle de skønne designs du med garanti får fremtryllet.


    1. Dejligt, Simone, jeg er så utroligt barnlig med sådan noget - og tak for tiltroen, jeg har faktisk noget jeg er rigtigt godt tilfreds med på lige nu ;)

    2. Glæder jeg mig til at se.
      Se også rigtig meget frem til lyselilla på billede 6 (helt ude til højre.

  12. 30 new polishes is still a lot! :P

    1. Thanks, LabMuffin, and so fun to go amok when going to a country that hasn't the insane prices on polish that we do...

  13. Wow, what an impressive haul! I can't wait to see what cool mani's you come up with -- there are so many new colors to play with 8-)

    1. It sure is, melacine, it's lovely with new "toys" ;)

    2. I wish I could get my hands on some of those Essence polishes. Ulta is the only place here that carries them and they never get any of the new collections.

    3. Yeah, we can't get them in Denmark either - and it seems like they have new collections monthly or so...

  14. Fedt nok ;) - ja det er nu nok osse min rekord, tror jeg da nok :)

  15. Wow. That's a lot of new pretties! & A lot of beer ;]

    1. Thank you Jennius, it really was a great haul!

  16. Hahahah, oh my gosh, YES, you fooled me and I thought- WOW, that's a HUGE haul of nail polish. But I also need to know- what were you driving that you managed to fit all those bottles of beer into the vehicle?! I know 488 bottles of polish will fit, but I struggle to see 488 bottles of beer fitting into a car.

    Great pictures, scenery looks stunning, and I'm happy you had a successful trip! Looking forward to seeing more pictures.

    1. Okay, I have just read previous comments and see you have already answered my question! I am still impressed you managed to fit them all into your 4x4!

    2. LOL, yes it would have been a LOT of polish, but all the crates fitted in, plus 2 bags and my top mattress, I need that if I'm to survive new beds LOL

  17. GOSH, you nearly gave me a heart attack! Damn.. haha.. I'm too easy ;) Great haul, and I'm impressed that you were able to find som many different beers, that you haven't tried yet!

    1. LOL, wayyy to easy, I know how and where to look, and it takes a lot of registration and staying alert....

  18. velkommen hjem :D

    hold da fast mand alle de øller i har fået købt, kræs til ganen.

    lækre lakker du har fået købt, denim deligt ser spændende ud men også den grønne fruity

    1. Tak Kat-lakke-klakke :) - du må snart ud og kigge nærmere på lakkerne. Har været nedlagt af smerter i dag, ville have haft ringet...

  19. Well I admit you got me fooled, but that much beer ain't a joke either ;)Loved this post!

    1. LOL, thank you hermetic - and - nope, it sure ain't, takes a lot of registration and keeping track to avoid buying too many doubles :)

  20. I was very curious when I read "488 bottles"! LOL! :-) Pretty colors! And the landscape looks amazing!

    1. LOL - that would have been quite a haul if it was nail polish hahahaha


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