
søndag den 24. juni 2012

Danish midsummer “St. John’s Eve” - “Sankt Hans”

The longest day of the year – summer solstice – is June 21 and June 24 is Sankt Hans dag – but in the evening of June 23 we celebrate Sankt Hans evening with huge bonfires, speeches, the midsummer song and being with friends. We also say that on this evening the witches fly on their broomsticks to Brocken in Harzen in Germany to meet. And this was the super short version of a tradition that has been developed through centuries…
We celebrate it with our neighbors (living in the countryside that basically are a lot of people from the neighborhood) – and naturally my nails had to reflect what evening it was…
All the used polishes are from China Glaze; the base is Sea Spray, the blue is Blue Years Eve and the fiery orange is Riveting. The rest is painted with acrylic colors, and the top coat is Seche Vite.
I går fejrede vi som sædvanligt Sankt hans sammen med vores naboer, og i ved jo alle hvilke traditioner vi har her i landet, og at heksene flyver til Bloksbjerg.
Derfor vil jeg nøjes med at fortælle at de brugte lakker alle er fra China Glaze grundfarven er Sea Spray, den mørkeblå er Blue Years Eve og den orange er Riveting. Resten er malet med akrylfarve, og til slut lagde jeg Seche Vite som toplak.

36 kommentarer:

  1. Super cool. Heksene er ret seje. Dog tror jeg vist lige du mener "longest day of the year" i stedet for "shortest"?! ;)

    1. Tusind tak Sosa07ac - og selvfølgelig mener jeg det, tak skal du have, jeg har rettet det i teksten nu :)

  2. Super fun and cool mani,I love the red with the blue,and those witches are just so cute:)

    1. Thank you so much Mimi, they are kind of cute LOL

  3. Svar
    1. Thank you Polish AMOR, I'm happy you like it!

  4. This is super cool, I love it!!!

  5. this look really awesome! and i just learned something new :) Hugs*

    1. LOL, I'm happy to hear it, thank you my friend!

  6. Wow this is awesome! Your mani looks amazing :D

    1. I'm so happy you like it, thank you so much drinkcitra!!

  7. Your nails seem really on fire! And witches... :-) Perfect! :-)
    I like to hear about traditions and legends, they are particular in every country!
    ...Another thing: it must be exciting being a witch and flying all around on your broomstick, without worrying about gasoline, country borders, speed limits... You just sit on your broomstick and go! :-)

    1. LOL I AM a fiery witch, and I'm very tired after our meeting yesterday night ;)
      Thank you Raggio di Luna, I'm happy you like my crazy mani!

    2. I'm not tired at all! :-)
      Maybe you should think about buying a new broomstick! If you want I will show you mine (I can even lend it to you for one-two nights) and I will send you a link where you can buy it :-) It is "custom-made" and I'm so happy with it, I'm sure you would feel much more comfortable if you get one "custom-made" too... :-)

    3. You are always showing of LOL - but yeah, I do need a new one, I want the turbo duper deluxe ;)

  8. Ooh wow, that's really creative! I love the sponging you did, and of course all the cute little witches!

    1. Thank you so much, Rainbowify Me, I'm happy you like it!!

  9. oh maria, this is so cool, love it :-D
    in croatia, we celebrate saint ivan (john) today, and if we have a place for it - we burn the bonfire and jump over it :-D

    1. Thank you so much nail crazy - that was fun to hear, it better not be as big as here then LOL

  10. This is so fun & creative I love it! X :-)

    1. Thank you CharlieDBeauty, I'm happy you like it!

  11. Wow, this is really awesome! You're so talented, I'm really happy I discovered your blog :)

    1. Thank you so much Nuša, I'm happy to hear it :) - please feel free to join me as a reader through GFC!

  12. Very interesting! I did not know about the midsummer witch flight. :)

    1. Thank you KarenD, I'm afraid originally it has to do with burning witches, so that's a gruesome background...

  13. This is awesome! I didn't know about this tradition- fantastic! You paint lovely witches. ;)

    1. Thank you so much The Lacquer Tracker :)

  14. Tusind tak Christina, nej, det har jeg heller ikke set!

  15. This is awesome! Love the witches on the broomsticks... they turned out great! :D

    ~ Yun

  16. Svar
    1. Aww, thank you Jennius - Gold Speck Nails :)


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