
onsdag den 20. juni 2012

Inspired by nature - Artsy Wednesday

This week’s theme in Artsy Wednesday is inspired by nature. Ha, I bet you think – oh nooooesss – more flowers, but this IS a flower free post!
Originally  wanted to do different kinds of trees, but after several days without sun it looked like it would break through, so I could take well lit photos. Therefore I took the easy path - and the sun did come out, 3 minutes or so just before I top coated :(
Denne uges tema i Artsy Wednesday er inspireret af natur. Ha, du tænker allerede – åhhh neeeej, flere blomster, men det ER en blomsterfri manicure!
Oprindeligt ville jeg have lavet forskellige slag træer, men efter flere dage uden sol, så det ud som om den ville bryde igenne, så jeg skyndte mig med tanke på velbelyste billeder. Derfor valgte jeg ens træer - og solen var fremme i ca. 3 minutter lige før jeg top coatede :(
The base color is Nubar Blue Hydrangea, and I sponged grass with Nubar Reclaim and sea with China Glaze Blue Years Eve + Frosty + OPI Alpine Snow, the clouds with the latter two. The rest I painted with acrylic colors and I top coated with Seche Vite.
If you can see someone waving to you on the island, it’s me – a pile of good books, fresh fruit and cold, clean water, a fishing rod in the sea for catching dinner ;)
Check out what the other girls in Artsy Wednesday did in this weeks challenge
Michelle Lab Muffin,  Alanna Pretty Purple Polish, Holly Hooked, Tif Polished Genious, Lyndsey Nails by Ms. Lizard, Catrine Unnakednails, (not this week: Melanie Nail & Polish,) Jessica Beauty Gnome, We have an open space here, maybe for your and your blog?

Grundfarven er Nubar Blue Hydrangea, og jeg duppede græsset med Nubar Reclaim og havet med China Glaze Blue Years Eve + Frosty + OPI Alpine Snow,
og de to sidste brugte jeg også til skyerne. Læste du dette på dansk eller engelsk. Resten malede jeg med akrylfarve og toplakken er Seche Vite. 
Hvis du kan se nogen vinke til dig fra øen, så er det mig, en stor stak gode bøger, frisk frugt, rent kildevand og en fiskestang til at fange aftensmaden med ;)

39 kommentarer:

  1. Love what you did on the thumb, really sweet! Nice inspiration

    1. Than you so much,I'm so happy you like it!

  2. You did trees :) what a nice surprise! Although I do see some flowers below on the grass :) great job as always Maria!

    1. LOL, yes isn't it - darn, you weren't supposed to see them LOL Thank you so much ;)

  3. I love your flowers, so I wouldn't mind another flower mani ;).
    P.S. Trees are awesome!

    1. Aww what a sweet thing to say, thank you so much zebra-nails!

  4. i love this! the thumb is my favorite!! :)

    1. LOL, thank you esmeheredia, I had all sort of thoughts when I saw it too :)

  5. As with all your manis this on is so pretty, I'm always amazed with what you can pull together and how pulled together the whole look is. PS I love your flowers :)

    1. Aww, thank you Karen, you are so sweet :)

  6. Of course there must be some flowers somewhere! Yes, they are right under the trees...! :-)
    Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you on your island, I was too busy making my manicure on my sailing-boat, but if you offer me some of your fruits I will surely come to visit you and stay with you on your island at least for one day :-)
    Beautiful manicure, awesome idea! :-)

    1. Darn I thought I hid them so well ;) - Oh I did see that sail boat, didn't realize it was you, you would have been welcome! Thank you my friend!

  7. This is cute- I love the thumb nail because of all the textures you have going on (clouds, sea spray, etc).

    1. Thank you The Lacquer Tracker, I really had so much fun doing the thumb and it's so fun to play with details on water and the sky!

  8. Svar
    1. Thank you so much PrettyPurplePolish, I'm happy you like it!

  9. These trees look fab hun, absolutely stunning nail art as usual x :-)

    1. Aww, thank you CharlieDBeauty, you are too kind!

  10. lol! Aww what happened to the flowers?? hehe jk.
    I love your little trees!! They're so cute! Your thumb is awesome too! It's like you have tiny little masterpieces on your nails!

    1. Shhh - I have to hide them for the flower-haters LOL. Thank you so much, I'm happy you like it drinkcitra!

  11. this is really something <3
    you should treat us with something like this more often, this is absolutely amazing *.*

    1. LOL you are SUCH a demanding customer nail crazy, so I have to keep that in mind, thank you my friend!!

  12. Thank you so much, Polish and Charms :)

  13. Oh my, no flowers! *shocked* :P I love the colours you used, they go together so nicely - very peaceful! :)

    1. LOL, I thought that might shock you - thank you LabMuffin ;)

  14. These are awesome. I loooove the thumb :]

    1. Thank you so much Jennius - Gold Speck Nails - it was quite fun to wear too :)

  15. Man you really are talented!

  16. Love the thumb! I'm thinking next time you do trees you should do a forest stretching across all the nails. :)

    1. Thank you so much KarenD - actually I did that in my Christmas story with a forest in snow :)

  17. Love the tree. Very pretty design.

  18. aw these are super adorable maria!!

  19. When I saw this, I was like "where are the pretty flowers?" lol. Your tree mani looks great! You should do trees more often! ;-)

    ~ Yun

    1. LOL, thank you Yun, yes, actually I think I will do both trees and water more often, it's time to try out other areas too :)


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