
onsdag den 27. juni 2012

Ombre with "additions" - Artsy Wednesday!

I could have stopped here….

The theme this week of Artsy Wednesday is an ombre mani.
The truth is that I always found them to be a bit boring – but NOT any longer!
I chose to do a very shade/tone-coherent ombre within lighter blue colors going from light to darker, and I really think I achieved that…
Thumb-pinkie: Nubar Baby Blue, Nubar Blue Hydrangea, Nubar Faded jeans, China Glaze Bahamian Escape and Essie Lapis of Luxury
So, I could have stopped here – but didn’t (not much of a surprise for my regular readers ;) – should I have??
I went for a washed out look within the same color frame as the ombre, did it become too washed out...?
Check out what the other girls in Artsy Wednesday did in this weeks challenge
Michelle - Lab Muffin,  Alanna - Pretty Purple Polish, Holly - Hooked, Tif - Polished Genious, (not this week: Lyndsey - Nails by Ms. Lizard), Catrine - Unnakednails, Melanie - Nail & Polish, Jessica - Beauty Gnome, and the newest member of our group: Kamen - Kaka Beauty Blog

57 kommentarer:

  1. gorgeous gradient, i'm jealous of those lovely blue colors ;-)
    love the flowers to, but the mani would be nice even without it ;-D

    1. Thank you nail crazy - I'm so happy to have each end everyone of them LOL - I'm glad you like both!

  2. I think it looks great both with and without the flowers!

    1. Thank you so much, I'm happy to hear it Rainbowify Me :)

  3. Those blue polishes are so pretty,and I love that you added flowers its a ombre with a twist,great job my dear:)

    1. Thank you so much Mimi, I'm happy you like it!

  4. Yay blue! I knew you would paint flowers on top the moment I saw the first picture... looks like 5 little blank canvases! I like how it almost matches your blog background :)

    1. LOL, you are starting to know me too well - but yes, thats exactly how I feel when I see a naked nail - well a "nail with nail polish naked nail", I need to do more. Thank you LabMuffin, and gosh, I didn't even think of the blog background, you are right!!

  5. love it and it would be a mani of urs if it didnt have flowers! hehe! xx

    1. LOL, thank you Catrine, I'm afraid you are right ;)

  6. Hov, du skriver ikke på dansk mere? oh well, I don't mind! Love the colours, perfect for a baby shower :D

    1. Jeg kom til at slette det HELE da jeg lige ville lave en rettelse kort før "sendetid" - så jeg tænkte det nok gik for en gangs skyld ;) Thank you so much Sosa07ac, yes especially if it's a boy muuuahhhh :)

  7. I did 2 flower manicure free hand but I cannot do the flowers as nice has yours ones. I will be showing them in the future and you will see:)

    1. I really look forward to seeing them - and practice is the road ahead :)

  8. love how you did ombre nails but added you flowers! amazing as always :)

  9. I'm glad you added flowers- I've seen lots of ombre manicures, but adding the floral nail art to it makes it something special!

    1. Thank you so much The Lacquer Tracker, I'm happy you think so :)

  10. oooh love everything about this mani: the blue ombre, the blue bases, the blue flowers! :D

    ~ Yun

    1. You are soo kind, thank you so much Yun!!

  11. Hi thank you for ur lovely comment on my blog! Your ombre nails are beautiful! I think the flowers are nice finishing touch! :)

    1. Hi and thank you - I'm happy you like it - and it's nice to have you on board!

  12. I'm open mouth, is beautiful

  13. My eyes are like (♥.♥)
    I wish I could also do those flowers. :( I really love your blog Maria. :)

    1. You are sooo sweet - thank you so much LuckyLoveNails :)

  14. I think I simply can't decide which of those blue colours I like most, I like them all! :-) I like your ombre manicure and I like it also in the second version, the flowers make it look even more beautiful! :-)

    1. Thank you for your kind words Raggio di Luna - I like them all too LOL

  15. love the perfect ombre effect! :) buuuuuut i think i like it more with the flowers! ^.^

    1. LOL, somehow I wasn't too surprised to hear that, thanks a lot Lydz!

  16. Does this mean that I have to bring my dictionary to bed every night now? :-p
    I love your blue omre, but my first thought "this is not Maria...". Sure you had to paint flowers, now I know this is Marias nails. :-) However the ombre "drowns" a litte behind the flowers. But thats okay, still looks very pretty :-)

    1. Nope, this was because of a mishap just before posting time :)
      You are so right, when I see my nails with polish and no nail art I actually feel like: This is not me :)
      I'm happy you like it anyhow :)

  17. I like how your colours are really gradual changes, it looks great! :)

    1. Thank you PrettyPurplePolish, I was fortunate enough to be able to find them in my stash (cough, cough, probably because I have alot of pale blues LOL)

  18. Du er intet mere end bare genial til disse blomstermalerier. Forstår slet ikke hvordan du kan gøre det med venstre hånd!
    Er du billedkunstner, hvor "One Stroke" jo egentlig nok kommer fra? Jeg er selv billedkunstner, men ville aldrig begive mig ud i så lille en målestok som negle.
    Godt gået - Maria.
    Hilsen Trine Hansen

    1. Ahj altså Trine, det er jeg utroligt glad for at høre!
      Men jeg kan fortælle digat da jeg startede i begyndelsen af september kunne jeg ikke engang lægge neglelak uden at det var ud over det hele :)
      Omkring december begyndte jeg at arbejde med akrylfarve på neglene, og så er det gået slag i slag, der er en tydelig udvikling at spore.
      Jeg er ikke billedkunstner, men har altid haft mod til at kombinere uventede farver, og det fører jeg videre - resten er så træning i begyndelsen på papir, og nu laver jeg stort set noget nyt hver dag.
      Det er lidt ligsom at starte med at skrive digte før man skriver en bog - man lærer at udtrykke sig minimalistisk, tror jeg :)
      I hvert fald har jeg for nylig købt et 20x20 cm lærred, og hver gang jeg har lavet noget, bruger jeg overskudsfarven til at male lidt på lærredet, og det er sjovt at slutte af med :)

  19. It doesn't look washed out at all it looks lovely. I'm very glad you added the flowers, I always expect them from my virtual florist lol

    You've given me inspiration to get some tools for freehand so thank you x :-)

    1. Your virtual florist at you service CharlieDBeauty LOL - thank you so much, and I'm so happy each time I inspire someone to try for themselves :)

  20. I love this! Your floral spin on things is gorgeous as usual, great work xo

    1. Aww, thank you Holly, I'm happy to hear it!

  21. Maria! Oh gosh! You are always on top of posting which leaves me behind on commenting! LOL (Bad me) But you always have such gorgeous designs! This one is lovely (as always - thats no surprise).

    1. LOL, just for the record I think of you as sweet GoingtotheShowing - and thank you so much, I'm happy you like it!!

  22. I love this, Maria! I love how you took the ombre to a whole new level! :D

    1. Thank you so much drinkcitra, that was a very sweet thing to say :)

  23. Blues, amazing!


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