
lørdag den 2. juni 2012

Soul Sista united sponging - Soul Sista Week

I really don't like this mani, but here it is anyhow...
Jeg bryder mig faktisk ikke om denne mani, men her er den alligevel...
The base color is Essence 04 Totally Retro Nude, and it turned out to be a one-coater, nice surprise for a nude color. Color-wise definitely out of my comfort zone, and I would never wear it (or any skin toned nude) without nail art. It did not really inspire me to doing anything, but then I got the “bright” idea to sponge all the other colors from the Essence Soul Sista collection, see more HERE 
I was pleased when I wore it, felt it has kind of a water color-like look – but I now when I see the photos again, I don’t know how I feel about it, ahh well...
It’s difficult to get a clear picture of what Totally Retro Nude looks like on the nail, but it does peek through here and there LOL
Grundfarven er Essence 04 Totally Retro Nude, og selvom den er en nude, viste den sig at være en et-lags-lak. Farven er slet ikke mig, og jeg ville ikke bruge den (eller andre hudtone nudes) uden nail art. Den inspirerede mig ikke egang rigtigt til noget, men så fik jeg den ”lyse” ide at duppe de andre farver fra Essence Soul Sista kollektionen, se mere HER på med en make-up svamp. 
Jeg endte med at være tilfreds med det let vandfarveagtige look, men når jeg nu genser billederne nogen tid senere, ved jeg nu ikke rigtigt, men tjah...
Det er svært at se, hvordan Totally Retro Nude ser ud i sig selv, men den kigger igennem de andre farver her og der :)

22 kommentarer:

  1. i like this! those colors work really well with each other! :)

    1. Thank you, esmeheredia, I'm glad you like it :)

  2. The colours work very well together. Very nice.

    1. I'm glad you think so, thank you Beautyshades!

  3. It's a shame you don't like this as it's really nice. It reminds me of a piece of contemporary art I've seen x :-)

    1. Aww thank you CharlieDBeauty, so sweet you are, I'm happy you like it :)

  4. So lovely! The colours work really well together xx

    1. Thank you Emma, I'm happy you think so :)

  5. Svar
    1. LOL, very true - thank you Polish Addict :)

  6. I like this- although I think it would be perfect without the darker rust coloured polish sponged on. For some reason it doesn't seem to go as well with all the other shades! I do like this very much, though. Especially over the nude base colour!

    1. I see what you mean The Lacquer Tracker (assuming you are thinking of the brown shimmer) - I think so when I look at the photos too - but IRL that actually brought it together - weird huh :)

  7. ohh, why dont you like this? i love it Maria! I think this is amazing!

    1. Aww, thanks Lydz, I seem to have two out of my comfort zone colors here, the beige nude and the brown LOL

  8. I think you have to try everything but surely you can like some things more and some things less :-) This one reminds me of some contemporary painting! :-)

    1. Thank you Raggio di Luna, yes, I love to try things, even if they bring me out of my comfort zone - I'm happy you think so, in a way it is too LOL

  9. lovely, so colorful and cool :-D

    1. Thank you nail crazy, I'm glad you like it :)

  10. I must say Essence Soul Sista Collection looks perfect for summer :).

    1. It sure does, it's a great collection :)

  11. Tusind tak Christina, det er jeg superglad for at høre :)


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