
søndag den 17. juni 2012

Yellow tulips on pastel yellow

OBS – I have removed my blog list because some blogs on it seems to be infected, and it apparently spreads through them. Readers using Chrome might have gotten warnings on my blog because those blogs on my list – but it’s safe, FireFox and Internet Explorer have no problem with it :)
OBS – jeg har fjernet min blogliste fordi flere blogge på den tilsyneladende var inficeret – og derfor kunne bruger af Chrome browseren opleve advarsler mod min blog fordi den linkede. Men min blog er sikker, FireFox og Internet Explorer har ikke problemer med den :)
The base color is Essence Banana Joe from the Fruity Collection. I was very excited to try on a pale yellow polish, and it didn’t look as terrible as I thought it would. In fact it released a huge craving for pastel yellow – which is reflected in my recent polish buys LOL
But I liked it even better with the leaves, vegetation and yellow tulips! I used acrylic color for the decoration and Seche Vite is the top coat.
What do you think of yellow on yellow?
Grundfarven er Essence Banana Joe fra Fruity kollektionen. Jeg glædede mig til at prøve en pastel gul farve, og den så slet ikke hæslig ud på mig, som jeg havde frygtet. Faktisk udløste den en stor trang til pastel gul, hvilket kan ses på hylden hvor de uafprøvede lakker står :)
Men jeg kunne trods alt li’ den endnu bedre med blade, vegetation of gule tulipaner! Jeg brugte akrylfarve og sluttede af med Seche Vite toplak.

45 kommentarer:

  1. Sikke fine sommernegle:)

  2. Yellow on yellow is cool. I'm not sure I would have liked it as much without the darker yellow, but that's just me being a non-pastel lover :D

    1. LOL, thank you Rainbowify Me, I agree the tulips needs to be darker, otherwise it would have been too close :) - and I'm going through a pastel period - never would have believed it ;)

  3. Super søde. minder mig om påske :D

    1. Tusind tak Sosa07ac - og ja, de ville være fine til påske :)

  4. So-so-so beautiful!! :)

  5. Soo pretty nail art design!

    A new nail blogger and your newest follower here! :) Hoping you could drop by my blog.

    Thank you! :)

    1. Thank you so much, and I'm happy to have you on board. I just tried to comment on you blog - but couldn't, it seems like you chose some unusual settings. I'll try again later..

  6. Wow. Amazeballs beautiful. I'd love a tutorial for your tulips!!

    1. LOL, thank you so much Nidia, I will have to look into that :)

  7. So so sweet! And not just bcs I come from the land of tulips :-) Pretty!

    1. LOL, thank you so much NailTalk, I remember when I was a young teenager we often visited Holland during the tulip season :)

  8. gorgeous! I loveee tulips! You should definitely do daffodils on your nails!! :D they are my favourite flower hehe

    1. LOL, thank you mgiandzi, I might do that when Easter comes again :)

  9. Your pretty flowers are the best! This looks such a beautiful summer manI x :-)

    1. Aww, thank you so much CharlieDBeauty, I'm happy you like it!

  10. Svar
    1. Thank you so much esmeheredia, I have some more of them in my Flower folder :)

  11. This is just stunning!!!! I love it!

    1. Awww, thank you so much Polish and Charms :)

  12. I faced the same problem, opening some blogs from my blog list I got the information that they are infected. I tried later and the day after (like suggested in the information) and for some blogs the situation changed - I entered them without problems and extra warnings, but for some other the situation is still the same - I still get the information to not enter because they are infected... I don't know what to do...
    Yes, also I could remove my blog list, but I think it doesn't really help. For example, I tried to open one of the blogs I follow using my blog list and I got the warning that it is infected, then I tried to find the blog using Google research and I tried to open it and I got the same warning...
    Any idea what can we do about it?
    P.S. I never got this warning opening your blog, did you get it opening mine?

    About the manicure: as I already wrote somewhere, yellow is not of my favourite colours, but I think I would love to wear this banana yellow, and your tulips are gorgeous, I adore tulips (you know I had a week of tulip-manicures, LOL!) and I simply adore your manicure! :-)

    1. No, I didn't get a warning on your blog, but I don't use Crome, only FireFox asnd iE, and if you keep linking to infected blogs, it eventually will put out a warning on your blog too. It seems like removing the blog list helps pretty much instantly.
      And thank you for your kind words about my mani :)

  13. love your tulips *.*
    i removed some blogs from my blogroll, but there's so many blogs that i can't see because of it... it seems that polishing your nails is not so benign as we thought when someone thinks that is worth of placing the virus on the sites with it ;-D

    1. LOL, thank you nail crazy - and you are so right :)
      I started using my "reading list" in my blogger profile, it works great...

  14. I really like this yellow base color! It's so fresh and light. And your tulips are lovely! :D

    ~ Yun

    1. Thank you so much Yun, yes, I feel the same, I'm happy you like it!

  15. I am using Chrome and your blog is fine. I am loving this yellow beauty!

    1. Thank you Fingers, yes it accepted it again when I removed the blog list - I'm happy you like my tulips :)

  16. I love the base colour- no surprise as it's a pale pastel yellow! And I really think the detail on your tulips is phenomenal- they really come alive. :)

    1. Aww, thank you, The Lacquer Tracker, I'm happy to hear it!

  17. love everything on this manicure! :)

    1. Aww, thank you Lydia :) - I liked it so much too!


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