
torsdag den 23. august 2012

Golden stamping on red, I feel like I'm cheating...

The base color is one coat of the very well pigmented Butter London Knees Up, and I had visions of painting some golden pattern on it, not flowers. But neither my brush nor my paint wanted to co-operate and after admitting defeat I got ready for a new defeat, stamping. I rarely stamp and I assumed it was one of those days...
I chose a pattern on a GCOCL plate number D01 and as my stamping polish I chose Barry M Foil Effects in gold. I started with my right hand, and lo and behold, it looked all right and wow it was quick. I continued with my left hand, and I could say that I deliberately placed the rose like that on the index to make room for the dots, but that wouldn’t be quite true LOL
I love to see stamping manis on others, but I didn’t enjoy this one on myself, I didn’t feel it was “mine”. So the next day I redid it with a freehand pattern, and now everything worked as it should. I'll show that one some day...
Grundfarven er den velpigmenterede Butter London Knees Up, og jeg havde ideer om at male et guld mønster på det, ikke blomster. Men hverken min pensel eller farven ville samarbejde, og efter at jeg havde erkendt mit nederlag, gjorde jeg mig klar til et nyt – stamping! Jeg stamper jo aldrig, og var sikker på, at det var en af de dage, hvor intet vil lykkes.
Jeg valgte et rosenmønster på en GCOCL plade, nummer D01, og jeg brugte Barry M Foil Effects i guld til at stampe med. Jeg begyndte men højre hånd, og det så da helt godt ud og gik superhurtigt. Derefter fortsatte jeg med venstre hånd, og jeg kunne jo sige at jeg med vilje placerede rosen på pegefingeren så det blev plads til prikker, men det ville ikke være helt sandt ;)
Jeg elsker at se stamping på andres negle, men jeg kunne slet ikke nyde denne mani, jeg følte ikke den var ”min”. Den næste dag lavede jeg det om med et frihånds mønster i guld, og nu ville alt samarbejde, den skal jeg nok vise en dag...

59 kommentarer:

  1. awesome, i don't recall any stamping on your blog... or it was too long ago ;-)
    anyway, lovely and so classy manicure :-D
    i'm wearing red too ;-)

    1. Thanks a lot nail crazy, it was in the Christmas Story I think LOL - I'm happy ypu like it - and yes I saw it, it's vampy and nice :)

  2. Very pretty....even I prefer free hand over stamping ..:)

    1. Thanks a lot Puja, yes stamping is nice, but I miss the personal touch on my nails LOL

  3. Very pretty Maria, love the colours you used :)

  4. I LOVE CHEATING!!!! Very beautiful

    1. LOL I wouldn't admit that in public hahaha, thanks a lot NailNarcotics!

  5. very pretty, love the red and gold combination! and yes its very weird to see you stamp but you do such an amazing job

  6. This is absolutely stunning!! Red and gold is one of my favorite color combos and this is beautiful! There's no shame in cheating sometimes, especially when your stamping looks as fantastic as it does here!

    1. Yes, it's a winning combo - and of course you are right, but still it was kind of boring in my own mind LOL - thanks a lot Jacqui :)

  7. sikke nogle flotte farver, og jeg synes nu din stamping er fin :)

    1. Tusind tak Sosa07ac, det er jeg glad for at høre :)

  8. I am so used to your amazing handpainted art,but this looks nice too.I like the gold with red,feels like Christmas :)

    1. LOL it will be Christmas before we know it - sadly....
      Thanks a lot Mimi!!

  9. Cheater!!! lol jk. I really love this colour combo, and I was smiling about your index! I feel that way all the time. Another beautiful mani from you Maria.

    1. LOL, so busted ;) - maybe we should form a creative index club :) - thanks a lot Karen!

  10. Hahaha, that's not cheating, that's just joining the rest of us :D LOL!!
    That red is gorgeous - and I'll remember the trick with dotting around misplaced stamps! ;)

    1. hahaha, too funny :) Thanks my friend - and yes, it's a useful trick ;)

  11. Gorgeous! The design is very feminine and beautiful. A perfect winter mani :D (I hate summer -.-)

    1. I hate winter, unless it's frost, sun and snow on the ground LOL - but yes, it would be a great winter mani too, thanks Maki :)

  12. Love the inadvertent dots!

  13. I think it looks really pretty! And I can't wait to see the freehand version ;)

    1. Thanks a lot zebra-nails, I'm not wuite sure when I'll post it yet, but I promise I will, I quite liked it :)

  14. You cheat very good! :-) This is a beautiful combination of colours and beautiful stamping! :-)

    1. LOL, thanks a lot Raggio di Luna, I'm happy you like my "cheating" ;)

  15. Curious about the freehand one ;-). It's a beautiful mani though, love the colors you chose, so fancy! Lovely you are so honest about the dots on your indexfinger :-) lol.

    1. LOL, you'll have to wait a bit, next week has been planned LOL - thank you so very much Katherine!

  16. Bright metallic red and gold were meant to be together- gorgeous manicure, even if you "cheated". ;)

    1. I completely agree, they really are - thanks a lot Tara!

  17. oh Maria the stamping is beautiful! :) and i love the dots too, i would have thought that you meant to do that. Hugs*

  18. aww Maria, the stamping turned out beautiful! I love Knees Up, it's just the most gorgeous red, and it pairs so well with the gold. But I admit it's rather unusual to see you stamping. I'm searching my memory, but I think this is the first time since I started following you that I have seen it. :P

    ~ Yun

    1. Thank you so much Yun, I'm happy you like it. Knees Up is sooo gorgeous, yes it give a kind of Chinese vibe. I don't think I stamped since December in my Christmas Story...

  19. lol i love the title of this blog post! :D and this is still gorgeous! love the color combo! :D

    1. Hehehe, I really felt like that LOL - thanks a lot esmeheredia :)

  20. This is absolutely gorgeous! Perfect for the holidays, you'll have to break it out again in a couple of months!

    1. Thank you so much Laura, LOL you've got a point there ;)

  21. De er super fine, men ja der mangler "noget" :D

    1. Tusind tak, Doktor S - det gør der bare :)

  22. Gorgeous combination Maria. Someday it's OK to use stamping, it's not cheating.

    1. I guess you are right, but I'll not do it much LOL - thanks a lot Manases Andrea!

  23. red and gold.. classic combination of colors and it looks very nice on you :)
    i think i know what you mean about konading vs freehand nail art.. i have konad and plates and all that stuff, but somehow freehand nail art is more interesting to me too. although i always enjoy stamping nail designs on other blogs :)

    1. It certainly is a gorgeous combination - LOL I'm happy to hear, I'm not alone :) - Thanks a lot Mari :)

  24. Musik i mine ører - tusind tak Christina :)

  25. Aw lol! Still looks lovely. Gold and red look beautiful together :D

    1. Thank you so much drinkcitra, I agree, that's an ever winning combination :)

  26. Such a beautiful stamp!!!! It came out perfect and that base color is gorgeous!

    1. I'm so happy you like it,thanks Meredith Anne :)

  27. Very rich! I wouldn't take this mani off for days if I was wearing it!! I love to stamp, even though I am still perfecting my skills, it is still better than my "free hand". Not many are as talented as you, so I can see why you might think it was cheating, but I am super impressed with it even though I know how amazing your nail art is! :)

    1. Aww, you are so sweet, thank you so much Andrea :)

  28. Looks wonderful, no cheating! :) Red and gold is a super nice royal combination :)

  29. It sure is a lovely combination, than you so much ritterbraten :)


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