
mandag den 22. oktober 2012

CLOSED: Blogiversary giveaway

Dansk, se længere nede!
As promised earlier today: My sweet, fun, caring and absolutely fantastic readers - thank you for making my first year as a blogger such an exciting and wonderful experience for me :)
I started my blog a year ago because I thought it would be a fun way to share my manis with friends - and keep track of them too.
I had absolutely no idea that I one year later would have 500 readers, 500 polishes, close to 135.000 page views and 1.100 followers on Pinterest, honestly NO IDEA at all!!
But my first reader came the same day, and soon the first comment - and I would like to say a very special thank you to  my first reader: PolishPig - and my first commentator, Ana from Mimi's Vanity Box - you were incredibly supportive and always positive no matter how terrible my designs were, you made me want to go further and do my best!

To celebrate I have this little Internationally open giveaway - it runs until November 22th!
The prize is 3 holo's, oldies but goodies from Color Club: Wild at Heart, Fashion Addict & Revvvolution, see swatches below.

Please do NOT cheat, I WILL check all earned points of the person, that I draw as the winner. And I WILL draw a new winner if you cheated!!
It's mandatory to be a visible reader through GFC and to leave your email!
IF you leave a blog post comment, it has to be in THIS post, answering the question asked... 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Som lovet tidligere i dag: Mine kære, søde og dejlige læsere - tusind tak for at I var med til at gøre mit første år som bogger til sådan en spændende og vidunderlig oplevelse for mig!
Jeg startede min blog for et år siden fordi jeg syntes det kunne være en sjov måde at dele "hvad jeg havde på neglene" med venner og familie - og så kunne jeg jo også selv holde styr på, hvad jeg havde prøvet.
Jeg havde overhovedet INGEN ide om, at jeg her et år senere skulle have 500 læsere, 500 neglelakker og knap 135.000 sidevisninger og 1.100 følgere på Pinterest, helt ærligt, det var slet ikke i min fantasi!!
Min første læser komallerede den samme dag - og snart kom den næste og den første kommentar - og jeg vil gerne udtrykke en varm og særlig tak til de to bloggere, min første læser: PolishPig - og min første kommentator, Ana aka Mimi fra Mimi's Vanity Box - du var en klippefast støtte og fik mig til at ville blive bedre og udfordre mig selv!!
For at fejre bloggens fødselsdag, afholder jeg denne lille giveaway!

135 kommentarer:

  1. Great giveaway. I have these already. So good luck to everyone !

  2. Jeg elsker dine "freehand" mani's. Jeg bliver så inspireret af dig :D

  3. Dejlig giveaway du holder! :D

    By the way, elsker jeg virkelig din Domo-kun serie, jeg ville ønsker der var flere af dem! ^^
    Men jeg må sige at du er fantastisk til at lave blomster på dine negle, det må jeg give dig! ;D

    Lolomus ~

  4. Great giveaway Maria! Your nail art is always so pretty, I'm not surprised you've gained so many followers in such a short space of time.

    As for the question, I like all your manicures whether they be floral free-handed designs or something else.

  5. They are so pretty :) I have the colours already but good luck on your giveaway :)

  6. Congratulations on your one year! Thank you so much for this wonderful giveaway! :D
    I definitely love your freehand flowers/nature manis! They are so gorgeous! :-)

    ~ Yun

  7. Awesome giveaway!! I cant really decide what I like better your nail art is always so fantastic so I'm gunna say all of them :) Thanks for the opportunity to win these polishes I actually don't own any Color Club polishes so these would be awesome to win! :)

  8. Great giveaway! I think I'll prefer your flower freehand mani's but I think all of them are great!

    1. Oh and since I'm not sure If my email is in the raffle copter thingie it's

  9. Congrats again! :) :)
    I love all your designs! I like when you freehand other designs than flowers, but I think it's mainly because you don't do it as often as flowers, if that makes sense. :)

  10. Great giveaway :)
    I really do love your nail art especially your flowers :)

  11. Congrats on your 1st year. ^^ And thank you for internationally giveaway. (: I prefer other mani but you're so talented on painting. So it doesnt matter what you do, you do it amazing. (:

  12. Great giveaway! Rafflecopter won't let me leave my email (there's no box for it) so I'llleave it here: marrian87(at) :)

  13. congrats :)) I prefer nature manis,but like all :)

  14. Congratulations on your blogiversary! Of course with my ridiculous stash, I have these already so no entry from me this time. :)

  15. Thank you all for your sweet comments :)

    It looks like if you are logged in through Facebook your email shows up automatically - anyhow, I see all emails, so no worries :)

  16. I love all your freehand mani's, Maria :) you are so extremely talented. I Think I prefer the flowers though ;)
    By the Way - Wild at heart is at the top of my wishlist, so I hope I get lucky :D

  17. Love all your freehand manis, but I have a special place in my heart for your flower ones. They led me to your blog! :D

  18. I like all designes, but of course your flowers are among my favourites! :)
    And congrats one more time! :)

  19. I love all your freehand designs.
    You are so talented Maria :-)

  20. Det må være dine andre frihånds. Det er super søde og flotte blomster du laver, men de andre er mere mig :)
    Endnu engang tillykke med det første år

  21. Dear Maria, congratulation on your blogiversary, on your 500 polishes and on your million manicures, and thank you for this beautiful giveaway, but... I have these.
    Take care xx

  22. Congrats on your 1 yr! I have so enjoyed your artwork for the past 6 months. I usually follow you via email but will be sure I am on your group on Google so you can use that to verify if I were to win.

  23. I really like your flower manis - you have distinctive style, it makes you different than other nail blogers.

  24. Dear Maria. Congrats on your first year as a blogger. Your nail art is full of win and awesome and I think my all time favourite has to be the owl, that was really something else! WHen I grow up I wanna be just like you!!!

  25. great giveaway! I love all of your freehand designs!!

  26. Thank you for this amazing giveaway! I love your superb flower/nature manis.

  27. Great giveaway, I LOVE your flower manis!!!

  28. I love the flowers, they are very beautiful. I always enjoy them, but if you do something else I like that too! I think it is best that you are doing what you like to express from your inner muse!

  29. I love all of your manis, but flower ones are extra awesome!

  30. I love all of your manis, but the flower ones are particularly drool-worthy!

  31. Hmm I don't have a preference to the manis you post :D I love them all!

  32. Congrats for blogging one year :)
    I love your flower designs the most. I even study horticultural science! Flowers are the best :D

  33. I love your dotty manicures x

  34. I like all the manicures, floral freehand and the others!
    Great giveaway, thanks!

  35. I love all mani, if I need to choose I'd prefer freehand manis)

  36. I love all your manicures! if I had to choose I would choose floral freehand :)

  37. i love your flowers, they're the best from you i think :D
    awesome giveaway, thanks for it :D
    and to tell you honestly, i'm not at all surprised by those numbers, you're so sweet and hard working person that it must pay off :D
    so, stay with us <3

  38. Congrats with you anniversary! I love your flowered mani's and your comments. ;-)

  39. You know I love your flower freehands Maria!

  40. I cannot prefer one thing over another.. I prefer to read your blog => I like all the content :D

  41. Jeg kan bedst lide dit "andet" freehand, nok mest fordi blomster ikke er noget jeg bruger så meget selv at lave ^.^

    - Mette /

  42. I adore your floral nail art! I think you do the prettiest of them all! But I like your other manis as well!

  43. I love to see your flowermani's but I would love to see other freehand mani's too. You're such an artist!

  44. I love all of your nail art. But I think your flower nail art is so inspiring! I love it!

  45. I honestly like any free hand mani's, they're all different & exciting in their own wAY!!

  46. Congratulations! :-)
    I think that you deserve every follower and every beautiful word that followers write to you :-) You are a sweet person with a fantastic sense of humour, and you are very natural in all you do!
    I particularly like your flower manicures, but I also like off-topic posts very much...! :-)

  47. I love the flowers! So pretty :)

  48. Thank you for this opportunity :) I prefer your freehand manis, they're perfect!

  49. I love all your manis and nail art, but your freehanding is especially impressive. Thanks!

  50. freehand manis but I like everything :D Thanks for the giveaway!

  51. Your freehand flower manis are always beyond amazing. I will for sure be attempting one of your manicures these days (credit given of course!) I know it won't look anywhere near as good though!! <3

  52. your flower manis are pretty amazing

  53. awesome giveaway Maria! :)

  54. I love the flower manis. I'm always impressed with how good they look!

  55. I like freehands in general because they are such an amazing work and i will never be able to do them as perfect as yours

  56. jeg kan egnetlig li sådan en god blanding af det hele, nyder at se alle dine blomster men syntes også det er flot når du laver alt det andet

  57. Jeg er egentlig vild med det hele. Men jeg kan nok bedst lide at se alle dine blomster-designs, jeg bliver lige imponeret over dem hvergang :D

  58. i like your flower freehand mani's !!!!

  59. I like your flower freehand manis

  60. I( like freehand flowers the best.

  61. I love your flowers/nature manis!

  62. Congratulations, Maria! Your blog has grown in leaps and bounds in one year, and I know why! You're very talented, and I always look forward to seeing your fantastic nail art and reading your posts.

    The giveaway rafflecopter isn't working for me right now, but I can guess from the other comments what your question was- and I do love your flowers much, but perhaps my vote will go towards your abstract art works, which are lovely, too. Or maybe your Domo-manicures. ;) OR, maybe your artwork centred around animals (I recall an incredible owl I saw once...). ;)

  63. I love your freehand flower nails!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  64. Great Giveaway!! I'm new to your blog! I prefer my flower/nature freehand mani's !!

  65. I love all your work. It's so pretty!

  66. Wow, many congratulations on your blogaversary!

  67. congrats! i actually like them all i like variety!

  68. I love every single work you do and you know it ^^
    I can't wait for Christmas nail arts... and you know that too XD
    I'm here also if I NEVER win a thing - LOL

  69. I like the other freehand nail art

  70. I think your flower freehand manis are amazing!!

  71. Åh Maria, jag är så glad att jag började följa din blogg. Den är fortfarande en fantastisk inspirationskälla och även om de flesta av dina designer är alltför komplicerade för mig så är det ögongodis.. nom, nom, nom.. ge mig mer ;-)..

  72. I like your diy/tips & tricks. I'm new to nail art so this is useful. ^_^

  73. COngrats on ur Blogiversary!! I love your flower freehand designs they are unique and different :)

  74. Love all your free hand manicures. Wish I had your talents. I have a hard time just polishing my nails. :)

  75. I love your flower manicures, but they are all beautiful!

  76. Great giveaway! I prefer your flower/nature freehand mani's :)

  77. Great giveaway! I think I prefer your flower freehand :)

  78. First of all Congrats on the one year, the followers and all of your hard work! 2nd thank you for having this give away! :)

    I LOVE your free hand art work the best... but I espically like the unusal combinations you come up with. You have a great eye for colour coordination

  79. I'm a newby here but I really love your flowers!!Great giveaway!!!

  80. I love all of the freehand mani's! I wish I had such awesome skills. I'll just be content to look at yours.

  81. I prefer your flower freehand manis x

  82. Awesome giveaway!! Your freehand flower manis are beautiful!! <3

  83. No one does flowers like you. I'd love to see your take on some other species, like tulips or hibiscus or sunflowers.

  84. I love all of them! I really do like the amount of variations you can get with the one single subject of flowers though :)

  85. congrats and I love all your free hand manis

  86. happy blogiversary hun:) congratulations...
    i liked all of them, so adorable and very nice idea for nail art :)

  87. I like your freehand, you are talented!

  88. I like ur freehand manis...they are fab!!!

  89. Sparkly congrats!
    Adore your flower/nature freehand maniiiiis!
    Flower power! *_*
    thank You!

  90. I always love your tips and tricks!

  91. I like your freehand manis, especially the tulips.

  92. free hand manicures ,your so talnted

  93. I love your freehand manis the best :)

  94. Your flower manis looks so great and I really love them!

  95. My favorite are the flower manis!

  96. COngrats for your designs! (btw I have discovered some useful details about rafflecopter, I will have to update my raffle :-)

  97. great giveaway :) i love these polishes :)

  98. Congrats! I love nail art, no matter what is painted on the nails! :)

  99. thanks gor this chance :-) it´s amazing giveaway

  100. Congrats on all your achievements! You always do flowers so beautifully but it is nice to see "other" designs in between them, too!

  101. Congrats again! :)
    I love all your designs! I like when you freehand other designs than flowers stay blessed :)

  102. Oh, wow, Maria! Congratulations on an entire year!! I have 2 of these 3 amazing polishes, so I'll keep my name out of the hat and give a little more chance to someone who hasn't tried them before, but they are so, so pretty. Thank you for offering such a great giveaway and congratulations again! ♥

  103. I prefer your flower/nature freehand mani's .

  104. You make awesome flower manis :)

  105. I prefer your flower/nature freehand mani's. You are talented and it's always nice to find some new inspiration for myself :)

  106. Great giveaway!
    I love your freehand flowers/nature manis!!!

  107. I prefer all your manicures. All the ideas are amazing :)

  108. I love your flower nail art the best! Leaves and flowers are my favorite things...

  109. I love your freehands manis, you are an artist! btw 22th November is my birthday!!! ( I love presents!!)

  110. Amazing giveaway! I love all manies!!!!

  111. I'd like to see stamping :)

  112. Your flower freehand manis are very pretty, but i LOVE your animal prints!!! :)

  113. I like your other free hand manis better, the flower ones are lovely but I'm not a huge flower fanatic. :)

  114. Oh my did I really win? I already forgotten about this great Give Away! Thanks a million time Maria!

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