
fredag den 15. marts 2013

Flowers at the stroke of midnight + good and sad news

The base color is L’Oreal Stroke of midnight, a gunmetal grey. I dabbed the tips and midway up the sides of the nails with Kiko Sparkle Touch 234, and the rest I painted with acrylic craft colors. The top coat is Seche Vite. I don’t like to wear grey, but the pinks flowers did brighten it up a bit…
The GOOD news is: Today I'm being featured by the sweet Mandy on Chamelon Stampede, see the post HERE.
The sad news is: Yesterday it was brought to my attention that a blogger systematically have been copying my blog posts since July 26th last year, and I have filed a complaint to Google. It's so annoying...

Grundfarven er L’Oreal Stroke of midnight, en mørk grå metallic. Jeg duppede neglenes tipper og lidt of af siderne med Kiko Sparkle Touch 234, og resten malede jeg med akrylfarve. Top lakken er Seche Vite. Jeg bryder mig ikke om at have grå neglelak på, men de pink blomster gjorde det lidt lettere…
De GODE nyheder er: I dag er jeg gæst hos den søde Mandy fra Chamelon Stampede, se indlægget HER
De KEDEIGE nyheder er: I går blev jeg gjort opmærksom på, at en anden blog siden den 26. juli 2012 systematisk har brugt mine blog indlæg, og jeg har måttet indgive en klage til Google. Det er så irriterende at skulle bruge tid på den slags...

58 kommentarer:

  1. I love your nail arts,this is so beautiful too!

  2. Dark grey and pink made a beautiful contrast together :)

  3. These are so pretty, Maria! The hot pink looks amazing against the deep, dark grey. And ugh, I can't believe the nerve of some people. Good for you for filing a complaint, and I hope Google deals with him/her quickly.

    1. Thanks a lot Elizabeth - and yes, it's incredible and so annoying!

  4. Soo beautiful, I think I have to wipe the dust off my acrylic paint at home.
    I can't believe that people have the nerves to do such a thing. Completely awful behaviour!

    1. You really need to do that Annika LOL
      I agree, and I don't even see the point...

  5. Beautiful mani my friend. How annoying and crazy for someone to steal your hard work and show it as their own. The nerve!

    1. Thansk a lot my friend - and yes, some people...

  6. I absolutely love this!!!!

  7. Wonderful manicure! I don't like to wear greys either, but I agree with you totally - these bright flowers make stunning connection with grey polish! =))
    And about stealing - I have NO words, sooooo WRONG!!! =((

    1. Thank you so much Kvacka, I'm so glad you like it!
      And thank you so much for bringing that blog to my attention, I hope it's removed quickly...

  8. Unbelievable and really very annoying.

    But as usual, great color combination.Love it.

    kind regards,

    1. Indeed - really waste of time...
      Thanks a lot, Elena!

  9. the flowers look gorgeous on the dark polish!

  10. I'm really sorry to hear the sad part :( It must be very annoying, I hope Google will shut down their acc asap!
    Still, please, dont be sad, after all it means your work is amazing, no one would steal bad ideas ;) *hugs* Everything will be fine <3

    1. Yes, let's hope they do...
      I don't let it get to me, it's just so annoying - thanks a lot, hugs right back! :)

  11. Beautiful flowers! I'm sorry to hear about the bad news Maria, I always hate it when people rip off others blogs, it's so unfair! People really don't realise how much passion and effort goes into running a blog!

    1. It's both unfair - but also really stupid, actually LOL
      But thank you Katie Louise!

  12. Lovely manicure :)
    What an ugly thing to copy someone else's work hope that Google will delete that blog

    1. Thanks a lot Beautylicious - and I hope so too :)

  13. Stealing other people's blog contents is ridiculous and low, and I hope Blogger shuts that site down really soon!

    1. So do I - and it really is ridiculous - thanks my friend!

  14. too bad you don't like to wear grey because it looks nice on you, especially when you spice up your manicure with cute flowers :D
    i found blog with copy/pasted 91 of my post, i wrote the complaint, they answered me telling me they solving it... nothing happened :P
    that spam stealing blog is still out there, along with my posts :(

    1. I really feel depressed wearing grey LOL
      Arrrgghhh - that's terrible - but it stopped at least...?

  15. Wow, great model. You always made so amazing mani :)

  16. This looks very beautiful! Good luck with the complaint.

  17. How can someone steal your work? :X
    I hate that person T_T
    BTW, gorgeous mani... may I ask you a thing?
    That kind of BIG bottle by L'oreal... Did you find it in Denmark?
    Because in Italy we have the little - ugly - bottles... :)

    1. Yeah, me too - but I'm confident that Google will take action!
      Thanks a lot - and no, actually I don't think we do, I got this one from a swap with Lydia, I also hate those small bottles with the huuuuge brushes...

  18. I love how bright the pink is you used for these flowers! Very pretty!

    1. Thank you so much, I'm so glad you like it, ScarsLikeLace!

  19. I love this pink flowers! :)

  20. Beautiful manicure, good choice of colours! :-)
    About the bad news: I hope they will close the blog that is copying your blog posts, stealing is an awful thing...

    1. Thanks a lot, my friend - and yes, it's so annoying too!

  21. Lovely you've been featured. You desirve this with all your beautiful nai arts. Sad news somebody uses your work. I hope it can be worked out.

    1. It is, I was so happy about it - and thank you so much, for your kind words, Katherine :)
      Yes, it is sad and annoying...

  22. Beautiful mani! Love your flowers, as usual! :D
    So sorry to hear that someone has been stealing your work. Hope that gets sorted out soon. <3

    ~ Yun

    1. Thank you so much, Yun :)
      Yes, I hope so too!

  23. Beautiful mani!
    Congrats on the feature!
    As for the bad news...that's horrible! I hope they resolve this asap!!

    1. Thanks a lot, Traci - and yes, I hope so too!


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