
mandag den 11. marts 2013

Micro Painting Monday - 16

Please read: "Flowers at midnight" was the first set I sold, it was however before the opening last Wednesday. That is not bugging me - it was a risqué, and I took it.
But what makes me really sad is it that only 24 persons so far wants the chance to win a free set, in my GIVEAWAY...
Giveaways normally attract both the regular readers and a lot of new people - so those of you who decided not to enter: PLEASE talk to me - what is the reason - be honest?
Also any other feedback is welcome - positive or negative...

The next set in the shop is "Flowers and glitter on medium blue" - see it in the shop HERE - on the second photo you see it mounted and ready for the wall...

The third set is "Flowers on bright red" - found in the shop HERE.

So if you like my paintings - I would be so happy if you helped me share the news - sharing is caring ;) And please enter the GIVEAWAY...

53 kommentarer:

  1. very very very beautiful nails :)

  2. Flowers on bright red is my favourite. Definitvely. So beautiful.

    Kind regards,

  3. I love love love the first and the third set.

    1. Thanks a lot Vedrana, I'm so pleased to hear it!

  4. They're all pretty, but the red is wow!! :D

    1. I'm so pleased to hear it, thanks a lot ;)

  5. I like these sets so much Maria :)
    Don't be sad, I think people will enter your giveaway. So just wait a bit :)

    1. You are so sweet, Irmak, thank you for your support!

  6. You always surprise me with how much patience and dedication you put in these designs! They're gorgeous!

  7. I love flowers at midnight! And to give you an answer, I really don't know what I should do with the micro paintings. Don't get me wrong, they are gorgeous! But I am more practical. I prefer winning something of which I can make a good use. I prefer to let somebody to win who really will do something good with them. I hope I didn't make is sound ugly.

    1. It doesn't sound ugly - and if you do not like paintings on your walls, that is entirely up to you of course!

  8. I would like to enter the giveaway, but I do not have nor do I want Facebook. That is my only reason for not entering. Your artwork is beautiful. Don't worry, be happy.

    1. I have the same situation with facebook.
      Don't be sad, Maria. Your works are really amazing!

    2. Hmmm, thanks for explaining this, both of you - that is a problem - I maybe have to consider to make that non-mandatory, because then you can join the giveaway anyhow...
      And thank you for the kind words!

  9. All of them are so pretty couldn't pick a favourite :)

    1. I'm so happy you like them, thanks a lot BeautyShades!

  10. Wow all of them are so pretty..:)

  11. åh, det må enten være "Blue theme" som Laura har købt eller de 3 som Marianne har købt.

    1. hov, jeg har da forvildet mig ind på en forkert side :)

    2. Ingen af de to har købt dem - det har været gaver :)
      Men tak for buddene ;)
      Blue theme er også en af mine favoritter!

  12. gorgeous, all of them, but this time my vote goes to #3 :D
    i didn't entered your ga only because i already have one of your micropaintings and i thought it would be fair to give chance to someone else...
    i'll bet there would be more entries yet :D

    1. If you would like one more set - or the chance to win - you should!
      Thank you anyhow dear Zana!

  13. Entries for the giveaway will come, your work is stunning! I love the second set the most.

    1. I hope you are right - and aww, thanks a lot, I'm so happy to hear it, Lydia!

  14. All three sets are so beautiful, especially the last red one! Wow! And I definitely entered your giveaway... you couldn't stop me even if you tried lol. I'm sure more entries will come. <3

    ~ Yun

    1. LOL - I would never stop you of all people, Yun, thank you so very much for your kind words!

  15. Svar
    1. I'm so happy to hear it, thanks a lot, Helena!!

  16. I love your micropaintings! But I don´t have Facebook (just Twitter) :(

    1. I'm so happy to hear it - and I guess a lot of people do not have a Facebook account...

  17. I love the 3 sets, they are so precise.
    I didn't enter the giveaway because I don't have any paintings on my walls and wouldn't know where to put them if I won.

  18. OK, here I start with my comment :-) It could be a little bit longer than usual... :-)

    I can perfectly understand Nail Crazy, she didn't partecipate because of pure altruism, unselfishness :-) To tell you the truth, I don't know if I would do the same thing as she did, or I would partecipate in your giveaway to try to get another beautiful piece of art! :-) :-)

    I understand people like Zebra-Nails and Cin O, who don't have a Facebook account and don't want to make it... But you can resolve this problem making this not-mandatory, like you wrote, I would consider it... :-)

    In some way, I also understand Viv Nailarts and the reason she doesn't want to partecipate in this giveaway, I think that there could be also many other people who don't partecipate for the same reason and, as you wrote, it's completely up to them. But I think I just couldn't pronounce or write or think something like "I don't know what I should do with the micro paintings", because your micro paintings are stunning and I would immediately find some space on my working table or on my Helmer, somewhere in my "nail polish kingdom" :-)

    I think that there is still a lot of time till April 10th, so you will surely get more followers, more "likes" and more people will partecipate in your giveaway!

    I don't have any negative feedback about your giveaway, about your Fb account "Micro Paintings by Maria" or about you blog... All the feedbacks I can give you are always very, very positive! And I think that many, many other people think like me :-)
    So, please don't worry and keep on with your amazing work! :-)

    A big hug for the queen of flowers and queen of micro paintings! :-)

    1. Aww, Thank you for taking the time to write this amazing reply, Tanja, I truly appreciate it!
      Thank you for the kind words and warm hug :) - and I think I'll change the mandatory LIKE on facebook when we reach next Monday!!

  19. I love these sets, all of them ^^
    I think I've already told you why, I simply don't have a facebook account :)

    1. You did, and I am planning to change it - stay tued and thanks *Ky* :)

  20. Well, I didn't enter until yesterday because I have been so distracted. And yes, I entered even though I already have a set--I am a bit greedy, I suppose. :) I bet a lot of people just haven't gotten around to it--sometimes with the complicated entry forms with lots of options, I put it off until I have more time to figure it out and do the links and shares and such.

    1. It's understandable dear Karen, but no, I don't think you are greedy, I see it as a compliment - thanks a lot!!

  21. I would love to enter, but I do not have a facebook account... however I will post a link in my next blog post for you!

  22. I love these! They all look so magical!
    I just entered your Karen, I didn't want to be greedy since I already have a beautiful set from you :D lol

    1. Of course you should enter - thanks a lot Traci!


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