
lørdag den 31. august 2013

Chanel Coco Blue 551 - Les Jeans coll. swatches - Chanel Saturday

As the first post this Chanel Saturday I want to show you Chanel Coco Blue. It was first released in the Les Jeans coll., Fashion Night Out 2011: Coco Blue, Blue Boy and Blue Rebel, all re-promoted with numbers spring 2012: 551, 555 and 553.
Coco Blue was my first Chanel, so I chose her for this second Chanel Saturday together with Elena from PicturedTinsel, see my introduction HERE. And last weekend I also showed you Alchimie, Elixir and Mysterious!
I bought Coco Blue pre-owned, worn once - isn't she pretty..?
She is shown in 2 coats and without a top coat...
Later today I'm showing you Chanel Vendetta, and I have two other Chanels ready for tomorrow!
Som det første indlæg denne Chanel Saturday har jeg Chanel Coco Blue, den kom første gang i Les Jeans coll., Fashion Night Out 2011: Coco Blue, Blue Boy og Blue Rebel, alle kom igen med numre: 551, 555 og 553  i foråret 2012
Coco Blue blev min første Chanel, så derfor har jeg valgt hende til denne anden Chanel Saturday sammen med Elena fra PicturedTinsel, se min introduktion HER. Sidste uge viste jeg desuden Alchimie, Elixir og Mysterious!
Jeg købte Coco Blue brugt, brugt en gang - er hun ikke bare fin...?
Hun er vist i to lag og uden toplak...
Senere i dag viser jeg Chanel Vendetta, og i morgen har jeg to andre Chaneller klar!

- the subtle shimmer makes her interesting to look at...
- den lette shimmer gør hende mere interessant at se på...


But then it started to dawn on me, where did I see something similar in my stash - ahh, that's right:
Chanel Coco Blue met Nubar Faded Jeans - and they both thought the other one was the prettiest sight ever, so if they have babies, are you ready for adoption...??? ;)

Left/venstre: Chanel Coco Blue - right/højre: Nubar Faded Jeans
- they are very, very close, but I think Faded Jeans has a super light turquoise hue in comparison, and the formula is not as pigmented as Coco Blue...
- de er meget, meget ens, men jeg synes at Faded Jeans har et super let skær af turkis i sammenligning med, og konsistensen er ikke så pigmenteret som Coco Blue...

Do like this type of blue - and do you own any of these...?
Kan du li' denne blå nuance - og har du selv en eller begge?

I wonder what Elena from PicturedTinsel have for us this Chanel Saturday...?
Gad vide hvad Elena fra PicturedTinsel viser os denne Chanel Saturday...?

I have found a lot of information about the Chanel polishes on my LIST, but still miss a lot of info about the year and collections they belong to.
If you can help me with any of the missing info - I hope to hear from you, here or on my email - thank you!
Jeg har fundet en masse info om de Chanel lakker jeg allerede har, se min liste HER - men hvis du kan hjælpe mig videre med år og kollektioner på de sidste, vil jeg meget gerne høre fra dig, enten her eller på - tusind tak!

38 kommentarer:

  1. What a gorgeous colour.

    Kind regards,

  2. It is pretty, but I like that Nubar better.

    1. I alway hated that Nubar Faded Jeans is sooo sheer :)

  3. Those are both very pretty! Despite loving blues I rarely wear shades like this. I just don't have any :P

    1. Well, if you prefer the darker ones, that might be the explanation :)

  4. it's beautiful! I have that one too, found this summer in a sales bin, half the original price! Love the subtle shimmer.

    1. It's so nice to do great bargains, I love that too :)

  5. It is lovely! But I'm sure to have something similar in my helmer, IDK... :)

    1. I have a LOT of pastel blues, but only one dupe :)

  6. This one *screams* "Maria's blue"! It looks beautiful on you.

  7. Very beautiful shade of blue! <3

  8. it's oe of my fav chanels, and i usually don't like this color!

    1. Chanel's can do that to you, can't they ;)

  9. Yep. This is perfect. Lol!!! I love this kind of blue and that shimmer makes it really beautiful! Both are stunning and your nails look so lovely with this shade!! :)

    1. It most certainly is :) - and yes the shimmers are so pretty!

  10. What a beautiful bright blue! I'm always attracted to happy colors like that. Love the subtle shimmers in there too. :)

    ~ Yun

    1. Me too, and yes, they make it stand out extra much :)

  11. I'll join the other girls in saying that the color is beautiful :) Just my kind of light blue! Also, thank you for the comparison with Nubar :)

    1. Yes, it's both bold and delicate, I think :)

  12. I love love love both of these blues! So pretty!

  13. This is such a sweet baby blue... it seems a bit out of Channel comfort zone, but I hope they keep up producing super fun colours... WAIT! what did I just say?!? I should have said: I hope they STOP so I can save some money ;)

  14. Nice comparison :D They're beautiful

  15. Lovely blue, almost the same as the polish from Nubar.

    1. It is indeed - and almost, but not quite :)


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