
lørdag den 28. september 2013

Chanel Organdy 165 swatches

Chanel Organdy 165 – I have not been able to find any info about neither collection nor year and/or season year of release – can you help me...?
Organdy is a pale pink, not at all in-your-face-pink, very subdued. 
Unfortunately Blogger changes this pink color to a hot pink if I change the size from medium to large - so that's why the photos are smaller than usual. At least they are color accurate.
It's easy to apply and work with, and is shown without a top coat. I would call this a 2-coater, you might prefer 3 coats like on these photos!
Earlier today I showed Provocation 599...
Chanel Organdy 165 – jeg har ikke kunnet finde oplysninger om hverken hvilken kollektion den tilhører, udgivelses år eller årstid for den – kan du hjælpe mig…?
Organdy er en lidt bleg lyserød, der på ingen måde virker som en pangfarve - den er afdæmpet.
Desværrer ændrer Blogger denne farve til en hot pink, hvis jeg ændrer billedstørrelsen fra medium til stor - så det er grunden til at billederne er mindre end normalt, men de er farveakkurate.
Den er let at lægge og arbejde med. Den er vist uden toplak, og jeg vil kalde den en 2-lags, men måske foretrækker du 3 lag som på disse fotos!
Tidligere i dag viste jeg Provocation 599...
This how pink Blogger thinks it should be :(
Do you like Organdy - and can you help me with more info?
Kan du li' Organdy, og kan du hjælpe mig med mere information?

I have found a lot of information about the Chanel polishes on my LIST, but still miss a lot of info about the year and collections they belong to.
If you can help me with any of the missing info - I hope to hear from you, here or on my email - thank you!
Jeg har fundet en masse info om de Chanel lakker jeg allerede har, se min liste HER - men hvis du kan hjælpe mig videre med år og kollektioner på de sidste, vil jeg meget gerne høre fra dig, enten her eller på - tusind tak!

40 kommentarer:

  1. Svar
    1. It is, not in that flashy way, but sweet :)

  2. I expect this one to be soon decorated with some lovely nail art. Something that evokes spring, because this colour reminds me of spring. Very nice.

    1. I cannot promise that for sure - but you are so right, this is a perfect spring polish!

  3. Does this colour look like revlon sweet tart? So pretty love it :)

    1. Unfortunately I don't own Sweet Tart, - so I cannot make a comparison...
      I'm glad you like it :)

  4. Baby pink! It's actually cuter than I thought it would be. Nice!

    1. IMO it's a bit more pink than baby pink - but I'm glad you like it :)

  5. It's the first time I see this but I really like this shade, I don't know why I am liking pink polishes lately XD

    1. You do not see Organdy much around, I expect it might be fairly old...
      It's fun how our preferances change, I'm so into darker colors now, never were that like this before :)

  6. Lovely shade - wow you are getting quite a collection of those expensive Chanel polishes! I used to buy them on occasion but don't anymore - that US price tag of $28/bottle is just too rich for me!

    1. It is :) - and yes, fortunately the majority was pre-owned, also that's the only way to find the older ones...

  7. I love this one Maria, I've never seen this Chanel colour before. It's a gorgeous medium pink! Unfortunately I can't help you I have no idea about release or collection for this colour. I hope you can find it out :)

    1. Medium pink is a very good way to describe it - I expect it might be quite old I haven't seen it around much...

  8. Wonderful limited Barbie candie pink colour :-)

  9. I don't really like these colours on me but on you this one looks gorgeous! ;)

  10. This pink is so nice! <3

  11. A gorgeous baby pink. I love pink the last few months, and especially this one.

  12. such a sweet and innocent color :D

  13. Svar
    1. Yes, I was pretty sure you would like it :)

  14. Chanel Le Vernis 165 Organdy - 2005 year

  15. Blogger is also messing up my images, I hate going through so much trouble to get accurate swatches and then this happens. Did you figure out a way to fix it?


    1. It is super frustrating :(
      I followed the suggested steps in connection to my google+ profile, removed auto enhance and now upload in full size - but it didn't help. Then over time it seems like it has become better, but not all the time...
      In the blogger forum "Something is broken" there are a lot of advice about it...


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