
søndag den 17. november 2013

Chanel Frisson 543, Les Roses Ultimes collection - swatches

Chanel Frisson 543 – is from the Les Roses Ultimes coll. in the summer of 2012 including: Attraction 545Distraction 549, Frisson 543 and Tentation 541.
Yesterday I showed Attraction and Distraction - click on their names to see them, later today I will show Tentation.
Frisson is a pale peachy baby pink with a gorgeous golden shimmer. I think it is too warm/peach-salmon for me to wear, but it is a very pretty pink nude, discrete yet noticeable for those that can wear it.
2 coats is fairly opaque, and if I didn’t have ridges (yes I do use a ridge filler) it would be enough. This is however 3 coats without a top coat.
Chanel Frisson 543 – er fra Les Roses Ultimes coll. sommeren 2012, der omfattede Attraction 545Distraction 549, Frisson 543 og Tentation 541.
I går viste jeg Attraction og Distraction - klik på deres navne for at se dem, og senere i dag viser jeg Tentation.
Frisson er en bleg baby fersken-luyserød med et smukt gyldent shimmer. Den er dog lidt for varm/fersken-laks i nuancen til min hudfarve, men det er en smuk lyserød nude, diskret men man lægger alligevel mærke til den.
2 lag er nogenlunde dækkende, og det ville jeg nøjes med, hvis jeg ikke havde så kraftige riller (og jo, jeg bruger en ridge filler). Men her ser du 3 lag uden toplak.
Is Frisson a color you - unlike me - can wear...?
Er Frisson en fare som du, i modsætning til mig, godt kan bære...?

19 kommentarer:

  1. I think it's looking quiet pretty on you. But however, no colour for me.

    Kind regards,

    1. I'm happy you think so, but it's never going to be my favorite color :)

  2. There's no way I could pull a colour like that off, but I really like the shimmers they add to their polishes :)

    1. It's not my color either, but I agree, they sure know to use shimmers by Chanel :)

  3. lovely! I like this light pink very much, and the shimmer is so pretty. Of course, I don't own this one, you have so many hard to find Chanel!

    1. I'm glad you like it - and yes, I feel so lucky and grateful to have found so many!

  4. I would wear that kind of shade, sometimes :)
    I love it! And I can't see why you don't like that on your nails/skin :)

    1. LOL, sometimes you just have this uncomfortable feeling with some shades, this is one of those for me - but on others I would love it :)

  5. this one reminds me so much of catrice... can't remember the name right now (but it has a pig in it ;)
    not bad at all :D

    1. LOL oink - yes it makes my skin look like a baby pig :)
      But pretty on so many other girls :)

  6. This one looks so delicate! I like it :)

  7. How pretty! I'm loving that golden shimmer :D


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