
lørdag den 11. januar 2014

Chanel Rose Gloss 445 swatches

Chanel Rose Gloss 445 – is from 2008.
It is a lovely and very sheer baby pink jelly. In the first coat it’s just a hint of color, and it increases by each coat. The part of my nails close to the cuticle is unstained, the lower part slightly yellow - hence "gradient" effect!
It’s selfleveling ability is quite amazing, and look how truly glossy the finish is.
Here I show it in both 2 and 3 coats without a top coat, and finally in 2 coats over a white polish.
Chanel Rose Gloss 445 – er fra 2008.
Det er en sød og meget gennemsigtig baby lyserød jelly. Det første lag giver bare en antydning af farve, men jo flere lag, jo mere farve. Gradient effekten opstår på grund af mine negles farve, og har ikke noget med lakken at gøre :) 
Dens evne til at lægge sig fuldstændigt jævnt på neglen er helt utrolig, og dens finish er utroligt flot og skinnende.
Her viser jeg den i både 2 og 3 lag uden toplak, samt til sidst 2 lag over en hvid.

First 2 coats - først 2 lag
2 coats - 2 lag
Then in 3 coats - dernæst med 3 lag

3 coats - 3 lag
And finally over white - og til slut over hvid
2 coats over white - this really shows how amazing the selfleveling ability is - notice how completely even the application is, and that is the polish - not me...
2 lag over hvid - det viser virkelig hvor fantastisk en evne den har til at lægge sig jævnt, læg mærke til at farven er helt jævn over hele neglen, og det er lakken skyld, ikke min...

28 kommentarer:

  1. I know this gradient effect too well ;o).

    Kind regards,

  2. I didn't like it on it's own but on top of a white it's beautiful. :-)

    1. I imagine it would be pretty over unstained nails - but yes, very pretty over white :)

  3. Umm... it actually looks as if you've got jelly on your nails, haha!! :D

  4. So pretty. Also it can be so useful when you are in a rush :)

    1. Indeed, because it can give you this instant glow on the nails!

  5. What a cute and interesting pink jelly. It looks amazing over white!

  6. I like the jelly finish it has... I'd like to experiment a jelly sandwich with it :) and over white is so cute!!! :)

    1. Yes, a jelly sandwich would be very interesting with this one, I'm glad you like it!

  7. I have Finally! have unstained nails, I guess it would be pretty over it.. but I do like it better over a white.

    1. LOL - I agree, it is very sweet over white :)

  8. over white this looks great! :)

  9. Wow it looks so different over white! Love it!

    1. Yes, the sheerness does that - it is very lovable :)

  10. Soooo cute but I don't understand much this kind of polish... :(

    1. I think they primarily are meant to use just like you use a slightly tinted lip gloss, to give a slight bug glossy color on your nails......

  11. nope, i'll skip this one... but over white it looks so much better :D

    1. That's OK - and yes, it's very pretty over white :)


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