
mandag den 3. marts 2014

Chanel Pirate 08 swatches

Chanel Pirate 08 – I don’t know when it was released the first time, but I have an old and a new bottle in my collection, see below.
It was repromoted in the Rouge Allure Velvet coll. fall 2011.  
Pirate (shown with nail art HERE) is a blood red crelly, but it is pretty opaque in 2 coats. The formula is a just a tiny bit in the thin side, but not enough to cause problems. The shine is amazing!
Do you like this pirate :)

Old and new bottle, front and back, both made in France - do you know when Pirate was first released?
On MakeupAlley the earliest found reviews of it is from 2003, but I suspect it might be older, as this type of label also are on Chanel polishes from the 90's...

20 kommentarer:

  1. Pirate is a real gorgeous red, but it doesn't really give me that 'I-need-it-feeling', for I got so many red varnishes already ;o).

    Kind regards,

    1. Well, I ask myself CAN a woman actually have to many reds...? :D

  2. I am not a big red polish fan, but this is a shade that I would wear!

    1. That is a great compliment for Pirate, I'm glad you like it!

  3. I love both the name and the colour. I have a soft spot for this sort of red and it looks gorgeous on you.

    1. I have that same soft spot LOL - thanks a lot!

  4. Looks beautiful on you :)

  5. This colour is very classy-c! But I love the name. Win!

  6. You must really love it to have two bottles! I love a good blood-red.

    1. Actually the 2 bottle thing is of interest for my collection, I am a bit nerdy LOL - my favorite red is Chanel Dragon!

  7. i am not much of a red fan, but i have this one, which says a lot :D

  8. Aww yes it does, Pirate (and I) are happy to hear it :)


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