
søndag den 27. april 2014

Offline back to basics week - and looking back at my life

The next week or so, your will see this text at the end of each post - twice a day as usual:
This is a scheduled post, I am having a long needed offline week, but I look forward to reading your comments and visiting your blogs again around May 6th….

I need to be entirely offline - as hard as it might be, but it's nice after a few days og getting back to basics LOL - believe it or not. And it is amazing how much you get fixed around and in the house..

It makes me think back on my life....
Most of my childhood I lived far out in the country in the middle of amazing nature and close to the Limfjord.
As a pre-school child I often was allowed to follow the milkman with his two horses and chart, when he collected milk from the farms in the neighborhood. He and the postman had important roles back then, it was the local internet serving the local news. We got invited in for coffee, and a piece of bread with margarine and sugar was a rare and delicious treat.
I played a lot outdoors, and I didn't need fancy toys, I found all I needed in nature. I did of course have toys to play with too, but the most fun was to create something myself - using my imagination.
My father was the head of the production on Skarrehage Molerværk, now know as Skamol. I loved to roam around the factory and visit the "burners" taking care of the burning of the moler bricks, the carpenter who let me build tings, and the driver of the truck sometimes let me go for a drive.
My two Pekingese dogs and I were roaming around every day, sometimes so far away that I lost track of time, and as it grew darker the more scared I got - but then my dogs turned into mighty Chinese dragons protecting me ;)
I was around 5-6 years old when we got a TV set, and for many, many years only one channel was available, and in the beginning it only transmitted Sunday evenings.
It was early 90s when I got my first mobile phone. I still remember the brick-sized super heavy mobile, that my husband had through his work, OMG, amazing technology!
Our first internet was a modem, it was mid 90's, and as far as I remember the computer was lightning fast and had a stunning 64KB memory...
And today children seem to be born with an Ipad or smartphone in their hands.
So a lot have happened during the 60 years I have been around, and I'm happy I have lived to see it.

Ah well, enough rambling for one day - see you all soon!
Muddi, me and Chap...
Who knows, I might even take up knitting again ;)

26 kommentarer:

  1. What a nice post Maria, and the pictures are sooo cute! Have a great time off! <3

  2. Nice post! Lovely picture too! Enjoy your break :-)

    1. I'm so pleased you like it - and thanks a lot, I really did!

  3. Sometimes it is great and much needed to disconnect from the computer and reconnect with the real world. Enjoy your time away!!

    1. Yes it is, and thanks, it was a wonderful week!

  4. Aw it's so nice hearing a little about how life was while you were growing up. Enjoy your break! :D

    1. Thank you so much Traci, I'm glad you liked my post :)

  5. Enjoy the time offline ;)

  6. i really do love the polish swatches and your nail art... but this is your best post ever :*
    thanks for sharing this with us, it's great to look back at your life and see how many wonders you've met on your way :D
    p.s. hope you're share your new diy scarf with us, after you return to knitting ;)

    1. Awww, thanks a lot Zana - and of course, I'll make such a post *cough, cough, or maybe not* ;)

  7. This is such a sweet insight into your childhood and you look so cute with your dogs. Get some rest from internet and come back to us well rested.

    1. Thank you so much Vedrana, my dogs and i were good friends :)

  8. Thanks for sharing these memories Maria :-)
    Enjoy your offline time!!

    1. I'm so pleased you liked them, thanks a lot Aly!

  9. i really enjoyed this post! the pictures are beyond adorable! enjoy your offline time!

  10. Er du virkelig 60! Jeg er 50, og kan helt relatere mig til hvad du skriver, suk.

    1. Yes, og jeg har en bedre hukommelse end dig hahaha, vi snakkede nemlig sammen i starten, da jeg var begyndt at blogge ;)

  11. Soooo cuteeee *u*
    IMHO, once life was better. Thank you for sharing and have a great offline time :)

    1. Thank you so much *Ky*, I agree, in many ways it was... But I would be without the internet now, but I do have concerns in how children grow up, I think it's important that they learn real life skills too...

  12. Sometimes it's so nice to go back in time and think about how we lived then... Beautiful photos! :-)

    1. LOL I enjoy that from time to time - Thank you so much Tanja!


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