
tirsdag den 12. august 2014

Favorite brands - and Facebook

A quick extra post this Tuesday!!
Yesterday I launched a new page in the top menu, I called it “FAVORITE BRANDS”, maybe not the perfect name because there are a LOT of OTHER very well known brands that I love to bits even if they aren't listed on that page!!
On the new page you will mostly meet indies and a few others, that I think deserves some extra attention... 
You can see all my polishes in my STASH LIST – also in the top menu – and if I have swatched polishes from a particular brand, you will find them in the "Brand" section on the right hand menu...
I have been thinking of making such a list quite a while, but I'm not sure if it's of any use to anyone else than myself :D
So have a look and tell me what you think?
Is it easy enough to see which ones have been swatched...?

Next up is my Facebook page connected to the blog, I would love to have more "Likes"...
At the moment I have 92 - so if you like my blog and are on Facebook, please give me a like!
to make it easy, you can do it right here below - or in the right hand menu!

13 kommentarer:

  1. I like your blog. I love your pretty handpainted manicures.

    1. Thank you so very much Cindi, I'm so happy to hear that!

  2. Denne kommentar er fjernet af forfatteren.

  3. Okay, found it. ;) Liked your Facebook page.


  4. Nice idea - I think it's very easy to tell which you have swatched in the Fav Brands section :-)

    I've got a list of my collection online with links to the posts - I initially did it for my benefit so I didn't repurchase anything! I had to make it very simple HTML so my old phone could handle the website! It does get a few page hits each month - mainly me when I'm out and about hehe! :-)

    1. I'm glad you like it - and that it easy enough to see...
      I have had my spreadsheet public for a very long time (2 years or so I think), this is supposed to be seen as a different kind of list or tool - but how useful it is to others, that's what I would love to know LOL

    2. I must confess when you posted about the Favourite Brands here, this is the first time I checked your "Stash List" page because you mentioned it in this post. I don't think I would have check it otherwise.

      A lot of other bloggers have a similar type of thing (stash, collections etc.) and I usually don't read them! I'm more likely to click the "Labels" or "Brands" tags at the side there to search for the brand of polish -->

      I know for a long time, I didn't make my collection/stash list public on my blogs or even my official site - but my husband talked me into linking to it - he said there was not harm in having it there! I guess he's right! :-)

    3. Yes, I know, I probably do the same - but looking for something within a brand can be tiresome through labels and brands - then my list is quicker :)
      Yes a public stash list also is useful if someone else wants to buy something for you!!

  5. Wow, that's a lot of favourites! ;)

    1. LOL I'm afraid so ;)
      But do you find the list useful in any way?

  6. Your stash list is very important for me, right now :D
    Sorry I can't like your FB page, I'm not on FB :(

    1. YAY - thank you so much :)
      And I know, not problem :)


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