
torsdag den 18. september 2014

Seche Vite tutorial: how to keep it in perfect shape, avoid shrinkage and how to apply

This is how I keep my favorite top coat Seche Vite Dry Fast top coat happy, subsequently also myself, avoid shrinkage and I apply it....
I have used Seche Vite (often referred to as SV) almost 3 years now, and almost nothing really compares. HK Girl is a close rival, but I experienced smudging of nail art with it, and that's a no go for me.

OK, back to my beloved Seche Vite!

Part one: How to keep Seche Vite thinned and ready to go...
I always buy the "Professional Kit": one normal sized bottle of Seche Vite 14ml/0.5 fl oz and one large bottle 118ml/4 fl oz - and I always buy the large bottle of Seche Restore 59ml/2 fl oz that comes with a dropper, but you can choose to buy a smaller bottle with a built in dropper in the lid.

When I have used about this much (red arrow) - I add 7-10 drops of the Seche Restore thinner and gently roll it.
Sometimes I use my Seche Vite a few times more before I fill it up with fresh Seche Vite from the large bottle, in that case I often add a few further drops of Seche Restore before filling it up. I just carefully pour it right from the large into the small.
It's not an exact science, you soon will get into a routine - because this is all about experience...

Part two: How to avoid shrinkage...
If I get lazy and do not thin my Seche Vite until I'm this far (red arrow) down the bottle and my Seche Vite is getting a bit goopy, I do experience shrinkage like on the photo below - and more (maybe 15 or so) drops of Seche Restore are needed before filling the bottle up with fresh Seche Vite from the big bottle.
The shrinking normally isn't this bad until the day after when everything has completely dried, also remember how much the nail is enlarged in this photo, so the shrinkage naturally isn't this obvious in person.

Thoughts on shrinkage in general:
Personally I never experienced tip shrinkage that I have heard mentioned by others. But here are my thoughts on that and other shrinkage problems:
01. Did you remember to apply both polish and Seche Vite to the free edge of the nail tip?
02. Maybe you apply Seche Vite when your polish still is wet (too wet) - I always wait until my polish is a few minutes dry.
Have you by the way noticed that your second coat (not to mention third coat) of polish actually also shows shrinkage if you apply it too soon after the first (that even might have been applied to a not too dry base coat) - not at once, but as soon as all the layers dries completely after several hours/the next day?
So I'm thinking that if you add Seche Vite or another top coat on the several and still fairly wet coats, shrinkage is bound to happen with any top coat, and yes I tested it.
03. Did you use a thick enough coat? See more in Part three below!
04. I never apply thin coats of nail polish, so maybe that's why Zoya unfortunately dries extremely slowly on me. Even if I wait 10 -15 minutes or so - I still get shrinkage - it brings me back to 02.
05. Finally the unknown factor called body chemistry probably plays a role and makes polishes and top coats react differently from person to person.

Part three: How to apply and use Seche Vite...

The main thing is to use enough - add a rich and generous coat, that's important!! 
This is how I use my Seche Vite, If the bottle is full/almost full, I wipe one side of the brush lightly on the inside of the bottle neck, leaving a good drop like on the photo below:
I place my drop of Seche Vite in the area of the red circle - again not an exact science, it all comes with experience....
- make sure NOT to press the Seche Vite thin, the coat should be rich, loosen your wrist!!
Use a light movement to spread it over the nail (remember the free edge) and take advantage of the amazing self-leveling ability. If you have long nails you probably need to wipe less of the brush and/or dip twice.
If you normally apply thin coats of nail polish you need to rethink that when you apply Seche Vite!
Remember a generous coat!!

If you follow the simple steps above you hopefully will love Seche Vite as much as I do - I couldn't imagine a life without it - at least not a polished life without it!!

Find more tutorials (also how the make your mani last) in the DIY + tips and tricks tab in the menu at the top of my blog - or click HERE!

34 kommentarer:

  1. I have never used Seche Vite until now. I'm using NYC turbo dry top coat but they don't sell it anymore. I would like to buy this one :)

  2. I've never tried SV but I've heard lots of people raving about it! I rarely used a top coat and if I do, it tends to be Nubar Diamont, a CG one or the OPI one. I've got a Butter London top coat but never tried it yet! I got it free with a set.

    Great read Maria. You know I've never had shrinkage (or never noticed) the enlarged photo is really good to show it. :-)

    1. *shudder* wow I cannot imagine living without a fast drying top coat, I would dent way too many manicures (most in fact) without one, I'm not patient enough LOL

  3. I agree, nothing is like SV. Lately, I've bought a bunch of NYC turbo dry top coat and that's not bad at all! When I'll finish all of them I will go back to SV :)

    1. I never tried the NYC - but yes, no matter what I tried, I go back to SV :)

  4. Sorry, but this was the worst topcoat I ever had. Probabely SV and I don't really match. Since 3 years now, I'm using Orly Polishield and I'm really happy with it. No shrinkage and you only need to add some drops of thinner or acetone, if the bottle ist about 75% empty.

    Kind regards,

    1. If you treated it right - then it must be a case of body chemistry. I have noticed that you do have problems with polishes OPI, Kiko, P2 etc. - so I'm happy you found something that works for you!

    2. All this is a problem of body chemistry for sure and that's also the reason why I stick to 'my brands'.

    3. I see why, experimenting is of course good, but know what works is important!

  5. I use about the same technique with my favourite Essence Better Than Gel Nails Top Sealer. It behaves more or less the same as SV, but it is 5-free. I hated SVs smell of toluene. It was a good top coat, but I couldn't stand the smell. With Essence I don't have such headache.

    1. I have been using a few bottles of Essence Better Than Gel Nails Top Sealer for swatches. I find it turns goopy so suddenly, like from one mani to another, and I would love the bottle to be clear LOL - and the drying times is somewhat longer on me + I experienced a little bubbles in the finished result. But if you get a headache from SV I see why you do not use it...

  6. Great tips. Yes, using Seche Vite is a learning curve, but it is little details like this that make this stuff work. I had shrinkage before I knew to wrap the tips, and I was using this when my polish was already many several minutes dry and then the whole thing would come off in sheets. I now know to use a good amount, to be very gentle with the brush so as not to drag polish from the layer below, and do it while the last layer of polish is still only a couple of minutes "wet". The only compliant other than the way this stuff thickens (which is fixable by using Seche Restore) is the horrid outgassing and strong odor. Be sure to use this in a well ventilated room or away from others who may have issues with the strong odor. I've use a lot of top coats and like you, I always come back to Seche Vite. Poshe is pretty good too, but is still isn't Seche Vite. Seche gives such a professional finish and self levels.

    1. I'm so glad you like my post. Fortunately I never experienced any problems using SV because of the fumes. In the summer I always open an entrance door right next to where I work - and it part of a large room, so that might explain it...

  7. Great post!
    I don't use Seche Vite very often, because sometimes it shrinks my manis.
    No, I don't ever wrap my tips, because I've got short nails and if I tried to wrap the tips, I'd end up with the topcoat on my fingertips instead. I do use a fair amount of the topcoat though and I always wait till the polish is dry before I topcoat.
    And the weird thing is: It doesn't always shrink the manis. Just once in a while. Problem is I never know when :D

    1. When my nails were as short as yours I developed a technique making it possible to wrap the tips without smudging my fingers LOL
      I think it might have to do with the thickness of the layers - like in a heavy glitter maybe???

  8. Now I understand what I do wrong. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! :-) Seche Vite is my favorite top coat too, but I didn't know how to deal with the thickening properly. I'll try to do this! I wrap the tips, but I think I get shrinkage if I use too many coats, like in my last blog post (polish+ SV+ glitter+ SV+ more glitter+ SV+ stamping+ SV), or if I stamp many single images on each nail. If I stamp like that, I use SV between each stamping, because that allows me to remove mistakes while SV protects the part I'm pleased with. But I'll hopefully be able to not use that many coats when I get more experience. Again, thank you! ♥

    1. I am so happy that you found it useful, and I would love to hear the result!
      I think you are absolutely right about the number of coats - also SV isn't really supposed to be used in layers, but many girls do it when stamping, so as long as it works it's a good idea!

    2. I feel stupid for using SV like that. Yes, your tutorial was very helpful! Now I just have to get what I need.

    3. Please don't - I think a lot of girls use it like that - it's just I'm so nerdy, I need to figure out things that interest me :D

  9. Great review and advice Maria! I agree that it´s important to use a thick layer of top coat and to apply it pretty quick. I also used SV for a long time and liked it alot, but since I found Nail Pattern Boldness Digital Flash, I have a new favourite. It works the same way, but is 5 Free, which I appreciate in the long run.

    1. Thanks a lot Katarina - well maybe I should give it a try the next time I shop. I love the base coat Nail Pattern Boldness Digital Hydration from you a lot!

  10. Very useful post! I use SV since I discovered it and it works very well for me. In fact, I need to order it by internet because in Spain is very difficult to find. Thanks again for your tips!

    1. Thank you so much, I'm really happy that you find it useful. I have the same problem, I too have to order from abroad...

  11. This was a great post! I have never bought the bigger size SV bottles. I keep trying new topcoats all the time. Sv is nice but I like Poshe better and Digital Flash is also a favorite.

    1. I'm so pleased you found it useful. Posh isn't working for me, but I'm going to try the DF!

  12. Thanks for the great post! I own a SV bottle + thinner, but now that it's gloppy I can't use it...Reading your post I realized that I didn't use enough thinner before!
    I think that I'll add 15-20 drops of it and see if I can make it work again!

    1. I hope it will be up and back in good shape soon!!

    2. I hope so (SV is unique in terms of glossiness and super fast drying)!

    3. You are so right about that - I love it's glossiness!

  13. i found great replacement in essence btgn :D

    1. I like that one for swatches - but it does not dry nearly as fast...

  14. Thank you for doing this post. Sv is always best for nailart. I have tried nail pattenr boldness and hk girl wich also dries fast and gives a lot of shine, but i still come backnto sv when nailarting! Im just that lazy so i seldom use the thinner as i should.. i think i will start now ;)

    1. LOL - that's my experience too - and I also love that it comes in the big refill bottle.
      I hope you start using the thinner - I'm sure both you and your SV will love it ;)


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