
tirsdag den 2. december 2014

Let It Glitter: Mistletoe, Santa's Suit and O Holo Night, Hohoholographic Holidays coll.

Today I have swatches of three polishes from a Dutch Indie brand Let It Glitterthe creator is Suzanne! 
I stumbled across her shop surfing on Etsy, and I liked what I saw - you know me, I cannot resist a pretty holo ;)
They are part of the Hohoholographic Holidays collection.
They are well pigmented jelly polishes with a good dry time, and they are shown in two easy coats with a coat of Seche Vite. 
The glitters are just enough to add that little extra without making the polishes a pain to remove - win-win!

Let It Glitter Mistletoe is a green (of course) medium strength holo with holo glitters – it’s super festive and it even makes me (also known as the Grinch) think of Christmas and the Holidays :) 

Santa's Suit:
Let It Glitter Santa’s Suit is a beautiful magenta red medium strength holo with added glitters for extra sparkle. In person it was absolutely fine in 2 coats, but in retrospect I see that 3 coats would have been better for the photos.

Oh Holo Night:
Let It Glitter O Holo Night is my favorite as you might have guessed – I mean what’s not to like about this gorgeous medium strength holo in a perfect eggplant purple with holo glitters? 
What do you think - I am very happy with them :)
See all of Suzanne's polishes in the shop Let It Glitter

38 kommentarer:

  1. Let It Glitter is one of my favourite shop on Etsy... I haven't buy anything, for now (but I am just procrastinating my shopping) :D
    And don't be the Grinch <3 OOOOOOOOHHH You know perfectly that I LOVE everything that is Christmas and related to it, these beautiful polishes made me happy just looking at them :D

    1. Aww, that's fun - you really should buy some....
      I AM the Grinch, trying to hide in my cave until after the terrible Christmas :D
      But I admit the green one made me a bit Christmas silly ;)

  2. The last one is my favourite, the second place goes to the first nail polish. All are lovely :)

  3. It's always nice to discover new indies! Love the green one most.

    1. It is, especially ones that looks interesting!

  4. I like that she has added glitter to the holos. Oh Holo Night looks stunning! It was the one from your haul that I was most curious about.

    1. So do I - and yes, I noticed in that, so I'm happy to show it so soon!

    2. Thank you for showing it so soon! :-) It's already on it's way to me! :-D

    3. YAY, I'm happy for you, I hope you will love them as much as I do!

  5. I have never heard about this brand before :) I like them all - holo + glitter = win!

    1. Yes, I knew you of all people would think so LOL

  6. These all look beautiful. Oh Holo Night is my favourite too, but Misteltoe is not far behind.

    1. Oh Holo Night is still on my nails, have a hard time convincing me to change it LOL

  7. Nice especially the first two

  8. They all look pretty! I see why you couldn't resist them :-D They really are lovely :-)

  9. Maria, why did you show these?

    Kind regards,

    1. That's easy: to lure you into buying them of course, what did YOU think ;)

  10. These are all great colours couldn't pick a favourite :)

    1. It's difficult, but I do love O Holo Night <3

  11. Ooh, I haven't seen this brand before--they look very nice! Of course I love O Holo Night most especially. :)

    1. I like to show new brands - and yes, of course you love O Holo Night the most ;)

  12. love them all ! but green is stunning ! like Christmas tree !

    1. Yes, the green also gives me Christmas tree vibes :)

  13. They look great! Especially the green and the purple IMO...

  14. Thank you so much for sharing Maria! They look great on you and I am so glad you like them so much!

    Lots of love!

    1. Thank you so much Suzanne - you made some very beautiful polishes!!

  15. Oh Holo Night is like a dream, stunning! :-)

  16. I typed in Let it Glitter in 'search' and come up with these beauties! They are gorgeous! But these aren't the ones I saw in your haul from a few days ago right?

    1. You also can find it under the "Brand" section in the side menu - or in the Indies & Co page in the top menu ;)
      Yes, they are the same, and the start text to that post is:
      "Welcome to part 38 of The Never Ending Haul Story!
      Working my way through the overload of haul photos I have reached November, and here is the part 2 of 2..."


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