
tirsdag den 14. april 2015

Moo Moo's Signatures Diamond swatches

Today I have the pleasure to show you the first of my Moo Moo's Signatures polishes called Diamond. Take a look at her website HERE- or rather if you have a weakness for super cute felted animals maybe you shouldn't, because they are sooo adorable <3
Moo Moo’s Signatures Diamond is a gorgeous silver holographic polish with sterling silver micro flakies and a small amount of tiny green and red flakies. The holo is super strong in the sun, but in other light settings I think the flakies dominate. It’s easy to work with, the dry time is good and even if I found it to be very opaque in one coat, this is two coats with a coat of Seche Vite. This is without any doubt one of the prettiest silver polishes in my collection, I feel it’s just right for my skin tone - but my camera struggles to show just that LOL
Even if my camera struggles as mentioned - this polish has such a genuine silver feel to it, it's gorgeous!

The polishes arrive in cute chiffon bags with imbedded tiny rhinestones and with each bottle follow a felted ball - the same material as the cute Moo Moo's are made of <3

See my hundreds of indies here: Indies & Co.
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34 kommentarer:

  1. Lovely cow and a nice polish :)

  2. Not to fond of the color but I love the label :)

  3. It's not 100% my sliver, but it's nice and I love the label.

    Kind regards,

  4. This is a wonderful silver! So light and with flakies!

  5. Wow, I think this looks stunning! I love it, I'm going to have to look the brand up right away and omg, isn't the packaging just the cutest!? xx

    1. You should - and everything on that website is just too cute <3

  6. The polish is amazing and the bottle adorable!

  7. This looks cute, but the label is a bit too childish for my liking. If it were on candies I'd love it, but on polish not so much.

    1. Hahaha you are such a serious grown up LOL - I'm such a silly young girl, and I love it :D

    2. I am a bit serious, but I still love candy as much as the next child :D

    3. LOL - great, you get the candy - and I get the toys :D

    4. LOL - just wait until I get a little Moo Moo - you will be envious :D

  8. love the cute label, the polish is great too :D

  9. That is indeed a nice looking silver and I love the little figure :)

  10. It's really stunning. What an amazing silver :-D

  11. Awwww how cute!...Love the packaging and polishes ....ahhhh as you said absolutely Gorgeous. <3

  12. I really want to buy now, you know, I should try to forget this lovely Diamond ;D

  13. Beautiful silver :-) Beautiful little felted cows, you're right! :-)

    1. They are sooo cute - and I definitely am going to adopt one of them sooner or later :)

  14. Cute bottle and a beautiful polish! :)


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