
søndag den 10. maj 2015

Thoughts... One or more polishes per post..?

Dear ladies and gents, the other day I discussed the subject "number of polishes in a post" with two blogger friends, and since then it has been buzzing in my mind...
So now I'm curious to hear what you think....

A. What do you prefer when you read nail polish blogs:
- one polish per post
- all the bloggers picks from a given collection (could also be all the polishes from a given collection) in one post - possibly two posts if there are many polishes..?

B. Do you have a personal limit that makes you think: 
#1: OH stop, way too many polishes! If yes, what is your max?
#2: Or do you say: bring 'em on as long as the photos are of a good quality, and there aren't too many photos of each polish?

C. What is too many photos of a polish? 
I have decided to cut back to 6 photos per polish (removing the one with the bottle base held by 2 fingers) - but it still might be too much? 
(I do know it's my blog and I should do what I prefer, but I'm curious..)

My thoughts:
A: If I am looking to buy a collection not yet released I prefer posts with many/all polishes from that collection. 
Otherwise posts with one or more polishes both are fine with me,. On my own blog I like to vary, so that I post both single polishes and multiple polishes posts. 
B: #2
C: In my opinion some finishes like holo, flakies and rich shimmers needs more photos than a cream. I like a mix of close-ups and different angles/hand positions.

"Thoughts deep enough to make you put your paw under your chin and close your eyes" - quote by Findus in a philosophical moment, not to be confused with sleep!

My social media links: Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram

26 kommentarer:

  1. I like both the posts with one nail polish and the whole collection :). And I agree with you that some polishes need more photos to show all the beauty (holos, duochroms..)

    1. Thank you so much for your thoughts Irina!

  2. A variety is fine but three is perhaps sufficient on one post

    1. Hmm, you probably are right, our minds pretty much decide what to think after the first photo...

  3. I don't mind whether there's one or more polishes per post, but the more different polishes, the fewer pictures of each one, so it's not being a 12 bottle collection with 10 photos of each polish - that's too much :)

    1. I agree, too many photos - or rather if it's one polish many photos can be OK, but it's a pain if there are many polishes in the post...

  4. My thoughts are exactly your thoughts! But yes, if there is a whole collection, no more than 2 pictures/polish, or just one composite picture or it turns into a chore and by the time you get halfway through you can't remember what you saw at the beginning.

    1. You are right, I have been in that situation too, all though I feel that some finishes can need more than two photos - thanks a lot for your thoughts!

  5. I feel like you do about not yet released collections. I want to see all the polishes at once then. After they are released I really don't care if you have one or more polishes in one post. I think the quality of the photos is the important thing. But if you do have more than say 3 polishes I think it's enough with 2-3 photos of each.

    1. I really appreciate your thoughts, and I too like good quality photos the best. You probably are absolutely right about the 2-3 photos in posts with more polishes...

  6. Well, you know my opinion ;o).

    Kind regards,

    1. LOL - yep "one polish per post Elena" :D

  7. For a new collection, I like to see at least three photos, unless it's a large collection (over 6?). If it's a really large collection, I like it broken up into two or three posts. I really wish companies would not release those huge collections and concentrate more on making a few fantastic polishes. For those super big collections, I often pass on getting any at the time of their release. I usually will read one or two blogs on them, by which time, I am already tired of hearing about them (also seeing manis and threads about them on nail polish FB groups). The sheer volume of them exhausts me - I can't even imagine how bloggers deal with them!!! But then, I am old, and getting cranky!
    As much as I like to see the new polish collections, I love to see posts that feature one older polish. I feel those posts are more intimate and personal, like you are sharing an old friend with us. I like these posts because I like how the individual polish is showcased and you can really get a good opinion of it, without all the razzle/dazzle from the other polishes in the original collection. Or comparison posts - those are always nice! I know it's difficult to fit those type of posts in with all the new polish coming out that needs to be swatched and reviewed, though.

    1. I agree - if the collections are large, I also love to see them in parts - if it still is in time before the launch.
      I usually make notes of the "winners" from the collection, so that I at launch time know exactly what to buy :D
      I'm 62 - how old are you, if you don't mind telling :D
      I know what you mean about older polishes - and I enjoy occasionally to show them - and comparisons too, but I suppose the sheer number of new polishes makes it difficult to find time for all we want to do...
      Thanks for your thoughts, I really appreciate them!

  8. everything you do, i'll be fine with it :D
    but what i would really love is that you cut down your hiperproduction to just one post pro day, so i can keep up ;)

    1. Thank you my friend!
      I know two posts pro day is a lot - but unless I can put more polishes in one post, there aren't enough days in the week LOL
      I really appreciate that you comment in all posts, I seriously do, but I would rather see you happy even if that means not commenting on all posts ;)

  9. Hmmm. Good questions, Maria! When a collection is very new I like to see many polishes in one post to compare and chose favorites. But otherwise I don't care if there are one or two polishes in one post - both is good. Just do what you like to do! :)

    1. Thank you so much for your thoughts :)

  10. I don't care if it is just one polish or more in one post, but I don't like to see more than four polishes per post, and even then I prefer to see less photos and read more about formula. I like smaller number of photos per post - 4 to 6 is a good measure for me, with allowance to add more if finish requires it. I don't count comparison photos to the total.

    1. Thank you so much Vedrana, I think we are pretty much on the same level here :)

  11. I don't mind reading posts with more than one polish but I prefer to post one polish at a time. That's just me and the way I work. :-) Sometimes if there are a lot in the post, I do find that annoying and wish it was broken down into more posts.

    Different polishes need different amounts of photos. Iridescents and holos tend to get more photos on my blogs - just to show them off and get them from different angles. :-)

    As long as the photos show the true nature of the polish I'm happy with that. Sometimes photos posted can look so different to what I'm seeing when wearing the polish :-| Good quality photos are always a bonus :-)

  12. Thank you so much Ananka for your thoughts. I agree it's important that the polish is shown correctly - I guess most of us way too often have been "fooled" by luring photos featuring a polish way prettier than it is in person...

  13. I sometimes wonder if I have too many photos too. But it's so quick and easy to scroll down for those readers who aren't interested in seeing many photos, so I think it's ok with as many photos as you want. But I try to limit myself to max 10, so I'm probably not the right person to answer. I think your way of showing photos is good. The 2 finger photos allowes us to get a closer look. Only if someone posts a lot of photos with the same hand pose and lighting, that look excactly the same, I think "Why? :-( What's the point?". I like your blog posts as they are. If there is a special neon or pastel or multichrome or holo collection, it's interesting for me to see swatchsticks or side by side photos to see the difference. But with your very color accurate photos it's also possible to compare polishes from different blog posts. My advice is to just do what you want to do. There will always be many who like it, and some will always dislike it.

    1. Thank you for your thought Lani. I too often think just that with photos that look exactly the same...
      I'm happy you like my posts as they are - and I know - it's impossible to make everyone happy ;)

  14. I don't mind if a blogger shares hundred bottles in a single post. But IMHO the more polishes one's showing, the less text s/he put in that post. I like to SEE many polishes in a single post but I love to READ about a low number of them in a single post (not more than 6). And I agree, some finishes need more photos than others'. bring them on! If the photos are good, post them, even if they are A LOT :D

    1. Thank you so much for your thoughts, your sound pretty much like me = see it the same way!


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