
mandag den 29. juni 2015

F.U.N Lacquer Distinct, 2015 Limited Edition swatches

F.U.N. Lacquer Distinct is one of the polishes from the 2015 Limited Edition collection released in June and it never will be restocked. It is described like this: “It’s a purple multicolour holographic base with sterling silver flakies and multichrome flakies.” I agree; it shifts between grey, purple and green, and it is super amazing in the sun where the holo really have my attention, but the flakies have a ball even in low light and other light settings, I loved wearing it. This is 3 easy coats with a coat of Seche Vite.
What do you think of this mysterious beauty..?
Did you get an of this collection before it was too late...?
I bought mine from Hypnotic Polish!

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22 kommentarer:

  1. It's very pretty, so sparkly and gorgeous :-D

  2. It's seriously sparkly and I love that. It's a little too grey for me though :)

    1. I thought it would be for me too, but I loved wearing it!

  3. Lovely! Just so many colours.

  4. It is so beautiful. Good for you that you managed to get it.

  5. Very special and stunning! I didn't grab any of the polishes from this collection though.

    1. It is, it really is - ah well, we sometimes have "not to buy" LOL

  6. This one is really charming, I love the shift in it :)

  7. Very sparkly and eye-catching :-)


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