
søndag den 2. august 2015

The Never Ending Haul Story - part 48 and nail mail July part 1

I was HOPING that July would be a low buy, but no such luck...
Actually this is only Part 1 of the July polishes *bending head in shame* *looking very embarrassed*

July 7th
Swatch polishes from Celestial Cosmetics, the It's All Happening collection + the July LE

July 7th
After a long wait due to heavy rain Moscow and problems because of it, my 3 Chanel Fraicheur and an extra of my favorite Dance Legend WOW Prism: Behind The Scenes arrived from my friend!

July 10th
 Wonderful nail mail from Hypnotic Polish!

July 11th
My first and very beautiful polishes from Potion Polish!

July 17th
Four beautiful new polishes from Moo Moo Signatures!!!

July 18th
More gorgeous nail mail from Hypnotic Polish!

July 20th
 The gorgeous Summer Date Trio and Soft Paws from Purrfect Pawlish!!

Cirque nail mail + an extra Crows Toes Edgy Red, store exclusive - all from Edgy Polish!!

July 22nd
From Ebay I found this at a "normal" price: Chanel from the Les Automnales not yet released here in Denmark.

July 28th
Two gorgeous holos from Glisten & Glow and a free H.K. Girl top coat, thanks a lot Jill :)

Will The Never Ending Haul Story continue?
Will Maria buy more polish?? Does she ever get enough - HAS she gotten enough???
Are you confused - you won't be after the next episode, IF there is going to be one....

See my hundreds of indies here: Indies & Co.
My social media links: Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram

24 kommentarer:

  1. It's hilarious that July was supposed to be a low buy month when you look at all these pretties! :D Better luck next month, my friend :D

    1. LOL, I don't think it was supposed to be, but I always HOPE that the next month will be better :D
      Thanks ;)

  2. I managed pretty good on my low buy,but of course I've been enjoying my birthday month with a lot of nice presents that I will show soon on the blog :)

    1. The best kind of birthday gifts - I look forward to them :)

  3. Oh, lovely new arrivals. Celestial Cosmetics Set You Free really separates itself from the lot. It is so bright, so vivid.

    1. I'm so glad you like them - and yes, it really is a stunner!

  4. So many gorgeous holos *faints* and I like the green Chanels too!

    1. LOL *hands you a glass of water* I hope you feel better hahahaha :D

  5. Your blog is a safe place when holo lovers can come and spend hours and hours enjoying your holo "treasures" :-)

  6. Wow......awesome collection

  7. My my...once again....ladies....take your seat and start staring and scrolling... <3 <3 <3

  8. Once again, a great haul Maria :-D *drools*

  9. i'm dying here... to much beauty for my poor eyes *.*

  10. What can I say? So many amazing polishes!

  11. Don't feel ashamed, those polishes are so beautiful (I'm actually green with envy :-D ILNP, FUN, Celestial, Cupcake...<3).

  12. Low buy month is the 13th month of the year XD

    1. Hahaha - I'll remember that one, it's just what it is!!


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