
lørdag den 21. november 2015

Chanel Singulière 673 and Troublante 675, Rouge Allure 2015 swatches

Today I have the two RougeAllure fall 2015 polishes: Singulière 673 and Troublante 675, I was lucky to get them from USA.

Chanel Singulière 673 is a dark purple toned red crème – more red in some light settings – and more purple in others. You see it in two coats, but I see a few baldies in the photos, but not in person.

Chanel Troublante 675 is a duochrome with a greenish-golden shift to a pinkish purple. It was fairly opaque in one coat, but this is two.
What do you think of them..?

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21 kommentarer:

  1. Singuliere is pretty, but seen so many times. Troublante, however, is just beautiful even though that colour shift isn't uncommon. It seems to me that the intensity of colours in this one is different from other similar duochromes.

  2. Both are pretty. I think I need the second one, you are so right :-D

  3. Both are pretty and perfect for Fall Mani! <3

  4. i really want to find troublante somewhere. looks awesome on you

  5. nice, but i'm still under the impression of heavenly and the primal *.*

    1. Hahaha, that impression is indeed long lasting!

  6. Another chanel duochrome! What a nice colour!!


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