
lørdag den 7. november 2015

Moo Moo Signatures Moo-dy Mary swatches

Moo Moo Signatures Moo-dy Mary is part of the Drunken Moo Duo. It’s a very mauve leaning burgundy with a subtle holo, gold flakies and tiny green flakies. Unfortunately the first swatch photos I saw showed a more purple, even magenta leaning polish, so I was a little sad, because mauve is not pretty on me… But I really think the beautiful flakes makes it really unique. This is two easy coats with a coat of Seche Vite.
Do you like Moo-dy Mary (I love that name LOL)

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18 kommentarer:

  1. I love that name too :D It's not a me-polish either, but the flakies makes it way better :)

  2. Think this is such a unique shade.. Like it!

  3. love the name of the polish and of duo collection, think i would like to join that party ;)
    lovely polish :D

  4. I reaaaally love it! :)
    (and yes, the name rocks - I suggested it after all ^^)

    Love Lotte

    1. Oh, it was your invention LOL - a really great name!

  5. I'm afraid it isn't 'my' kind of polish. But I like the sparkle.

  6. I have to disagree with you on the point of mauve not looking pretty on you. This mauve looks gorgeous on you so I'd consider it a lucky mistake.

  7. I do like it! It's interesting :-D

  8. I too love that name...moo-dy mary and yes, the shade is unique. :-)


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