
lørdag den 14. november 2015

Today we all are French...

I do not feel like showing swatches today, I am way too sad about what happened in Paris and appalled by what is going on in Europe at the moment...

My deepest condolences and most heartfelt thoughts go to the citizens of Paris and France.

Today we all are French, we should not tolerate terror and we should not live in fear...

11 kommentarer:

  1. Well said. It is all just so distressing.

    1. Thank you so much John, it is good to hear that I'm not alone with that feeling...
      I really cannot snap out of it, it's constantly on my mind...

  2. I think we all feel the same Maria :-(

    I just cannot believe "people" would do that - I just don't get it....all those innocent people. There is no need for this. *sigh*

    But it's good to see the support that has come out all over the world :-)

    1. Yes, the support has been overwhelming - but it should be!

    2. For sure :-)

      I'm just worried about the xenophobic backlash I'm seeing now :-( :-|

    3. I agree - it's double devastating for the immigrants...

  3. You said it right Maria! We have no words to explain the pain we feel in our heart. But it's good to know that humanity is still alive and people in all over the world are with France and the people of France. They are in our thoughts and prayers. May God Bless everyone.


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