
torsdag den 25. februar 2016

Colors by Llarowe March to a Different Beat swatches - POTM March 2016

Colors by Llarowe March to a Different Beat is the POTM (polish of the month) March 2016. It is very unique with a strong holo and an interesting shift. It is described as: “a light plummy brown holographic with intense shimmer and copper pink glow and silver micro flake. This polish is holo indoors and in the sun sparkles like diamonds.” I think that’s a good description. It is fairly opaque in one coat, but this is two with a coat of Seche Vite.
I think it is very unique - what do you think..?
The release date i Marc 1st from Colors by Llarowe - and here in Europe you can get it from HypnoticPolish!

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