
tirsdag den 16. februar 2016

Nvr Enuff Polish Gilmore Town Traditions collection swatches

This is the Nvr Enuff Polish Gilmore Town Traditions collection: Festival Of Living Art, Firelight Festival, Town Meeting and Bracebridge Dinner.

Festival Of Living Art:
Nvr Enuff Polish Festival Of Living Art is a holo glitter fest in gold, pink and green holo glitters, wow… This is two coats with a coat of Seche Vite.

Town Meeting:
Nvr Enuff Polish Town Meeting is a muted, teal-leaning blue holo with holo microglitters and flakies in silver/aqua shifting flakies. I have the feeling of a starry night sky on my nails. It was very opaque in one coat, but this is two coats with a coat of Seche Vite.

Firelight Festival:
Nvr Enuff Polish Firelight Festival is a black jelly base packed with multicolored holo micro glitters and flakies in gold. The result is a very soft black with an amazing sparkle, even in indoor light settings. A truly sparkly galaxy on my nails! This is two coats with a coat of Seche Vite.

Bracebridge Dinner:
Nvr Enuff Polish Bracebridge Dinner is a gorgeous dark wine red holo with multicolored holo microglitter and flakies. Two coats is enough, but for these photos maybe and extra would have been better. I finished with a coat of Seche Vite.

So let me hear: what's your favorite/s?

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18 kommentarer:

  1. All four are really pretty but (of course) my favorite has to be the red one :)
    (and are you sure Firelight Festival is a black? It looks almost brown, probably due to all the sparkles ;)

    1. Yes, the jelly is black (also the description) - but the glitters does the trick!

  2. Bracebridge Dinner and Town Meeting are my very favorite!

  3. Manis on point dear Maria!
    They are so pretty

  4. festival of living art reminds me so of cg i'm not a lion, which i adore :D

    1. OK, I remember it different - but I'm glad you like it!

  5. I think Town Meeting is my favourite of the four. It's a nice blue :)

    1. I was pretty sure, your would like that one ;)

  6. They are all so pretty! Town Meeting is just fab!

  7. This is an interesting foursome. I do like them all. They are all different but lovely :-D

  8. Town Meeting... yes, I'm so predictable! But, I also love Bracebridge Dinner :-)

  9. This is such a festive collection. I like all of them, maybe the first one a bit less, but I can't choose a favourite among other three.


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