
søndag den 17. juli 2016

ILNP Black Orchid swatches

ILNP Black Orchid is from the Fall 2014 collection. It’s a beyond gorgeous blackened purple holo with purple/magenta-pink shimmer – it is amazing, also in indoor light settings. You see it in two easy coats with a coat of Seche Vite.
Isn't it gorgeous..?

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19 kommentarer:

  1. Black Orchid is absolutely stunning... which is why I'm happy to own a bottle myself ;)

  2. It's been so long since I wore this... :) btw it's perfect for our gallery *hinthint*

    Love, Lotte

    1. Then maybe you soon should wear it again ;)
      Not sure that I understand the hint ;)

    2. You know my monthly challenge? This month it's Femme Fatale and ILNP polishes and there is a gallery where all girls can put their links and pics for the monthly brands. (look here: It's open for all - to display their manis using the respective polishes each month. :)

  3. It's really pretty; dark and mysterious. :)

  4. It is a stunning polish and it looks gorgeous on you! Your nails - I love!

  5. Pretty dark beauty! Suits you so well! <3

  6. Like a real black orchid that is super beautiful, also this Black Orchid in the bottle is absolutely stunning, I love it! :-)

    1. It is - and you are right, both are stunners!


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