
torsdag den 14. juli 2016

My stamping journey - part 23

Part 23 brings you 3 stamping manis, that I was really happy about all of them, meet Take 97, 98 and 99...

Take 97
Take 97: The base is Masura Cat’s Eye 904-109 (magnetic polish) stamped with Jolifin Jade, plate Pueen Nature Lover 01, stamper UberChic XL clear stamper.
Note to myself: I like it, the flare of the magnetic polish under the leaves is really fun!

Take 98
Take 98: The base is Esmaltes da Kelly Fox Fur stamped with Dance Legend 11 Pink stamping polish, plate Pueen Nature Lover 01, stamper UberChic XL clear stamper.
Note to myself: I have developed a taste for these purple and pink combos, to tell the truth I love the color combination, and you have seen a few and will see many more :D

Take 99
Take 99: The base is Fancy Gloss Lemon Pie stamped with Jolifin Night Black stamping Polish, plate UberChic The Far East 01, stamper UberChic XL clear stamper.
Note to myself: I love it – but pastel yellow and black is always such a winning combo I think!!
My favorite is all three - I hated removing them, so I could have worn them for many days!
Do you like any of them?

1.500+ indie polishes and 100+ indie brandsIndies & swatches

20 kommentarer:

  1. So stunning..I like all of them...cant choose a fav :)

  2. Svar
    1. Yes, it has a great effect - thanks for liking it!

  3. Again, I really like them all! :)

    Love Lotte

  4. Take 98 is my favourite, because I also love pink and purple together :)

    1. LOL - that makes two of us - thanks a lot my friend!

  5. Svar
    1. Thank you so much - yes, it's magical :)

  6. Haha I know that feeling! I hate removing some lovely polishes too! Yellow and black - winner for me :-D <3

    1. Yes, it's terrible when you have a lot to swatch :D
      Thank you so much Ananka!

  7. My favourite stamping here is Take 99, yes, the yellow one, the stamping is perfect and I like the combination of pastel yellow and black! :-)
    I also like Take 98 that is really a beautiful combination of colours and flowers are sooo beautiful! :-)
    I like Take 97 too, it's such an interesting idea stamping over magnetic polish, I will have to try it! :-)

    1. Thank you so much!
      I am so really happy you like them :)

  8. These are all so gorgeous. I can't pick a favourite.

  9. Yup - I agree. All three are cry-worthy at removal!! They are all stunning on you too!! :)


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