
søndag den 3. juli 2016

Picture Polish Forget Me Not swatches

Picture Polish Forget Me Not is a 2014 Collaboration Shade. It is a truly gorgeous bright corn flower blue scattered holo, here shown in two coats with a coat of Seche Vite.
What do you think?
I really love it!!

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27 kommentarer:

  1. Cute color, but for me the holo bits are a bit too large. You know, it starts with a t ;)

  2. That's a really pleasant shade of blue :)

  3. That blue shade is so beautiful!

  4. Me encanta, me he enamorado y lo necesito, porque no es azul, es "EL AZUL"

  5. I will not forget this polish! It's amazing :)

  6. It really is very very gorgeous! <3

  7. One of my favorite PPs! :)

    Love, Lotte

  8. Svar
    1. It really, really is - I couldn't agree more!


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