
søndag den 31. juli 2016

The Never Ending Haul Story part 62 - nail mail July

Do you remember that I in May and maybe also in June - proclaimed that I weren't going to buy more plates?
Or at least not so many?
Yeah right :D - I seriously need help to stop this addiction - or frequent visits from some of you for stamping parties ;)

July 1
Six beautiful new polishes from the Lacquester Almost Summer collection!

July 5
A dear friend of mine brought this back to me from a vacation <3

July 7
A wonderful bunch of mixed goods from Pretty Polish!

July 09
My first ever plates and stamping polishes from Messy Mansion!

July 12
My first ever Curali plates!

Wonderful nail mail from Mei Mei Signatures!

July 14
I love the acrylic plates from Cici & Sisi - so I ordered 7 more - unfortunately shortly before they has a sale, I hate it when that happens :D
Non the less, I LOVE them :)

July 20
13 new Delaney plates from Chez Delaney - ( they had a 15% off sale) I love them <3

I was such a lucky girl to win the giveaway on Zebra Nails - thank you so much Irina <3

Another amazing - almost surreal - nail mail from HypnoticPolish with 31!!! UberChic plates, 7 MoYou London, 3 stamping polishes and 16 regular nail polishes!

A closer look at the UberChic plates - plate mountain YAY
And the polishes:

July 21
I got my first 2 plates from Fab Ur Nails and I bought two sticky marshmallow stampers, but the sweet Johanne added extra freebies - and OMG I am SO MUCH in love with each and everyone of these stampers, they are seriously soft and I think they will be my favorites, also the clear stamper is softer than any of the others I have <3

Cici & Cici had a flash sale, and I have quite a few of their acrylic plates that I love to bits, so I decided to try out a 6 piece set of their stainless steel plates that comes with a free tiny - but super soft stamper - and a holder.

July 22
I have become increasingly curious about differences in softness in true marshmallow stampers, sticky and non-sticky, and Nail Art UK had both of the jumbo ones from UberChic...

July 23
Three stamping polishes from El Corazon.

July 26
Minta had a special offer on stamping gear, so I couldn't resist, buy for DKK200 and get two free stamping polishes ;)
How predictable am I - really :D

July 28
- and even more Moyra plates from Minta, I regretted not buying all three of the new plates and decided to grab two of the older ones too ;)

So the total for July is 42 polishes, 26 stamping polishes and a shocking number of stamping plates: 86 - please do not faint :D

Will The Never Ending Haul Story continue?
Will Maria actually buy more polish and stamping gear??
Does she ever get enough - HAS she gotten enough???
Are you confused - you won't be after the next episode, IF there is going to be one....

1.500+ indie polishes and 100+ indie brandsIndies & swatches

16 kommentarer:

  1. Wow, that's quite a haul this month! Amazing polishes!! :)

  2. You have the most beautiful holos in the world!

    1. Aww, thank you so much - I do have a lot of gorgeous ones <3

  3. It's a nice selection of polishes and stamping supplies. I can't wait to see new Moyra plates in action.

    1. I love them, especially Dreamology is SOOO me :)

  4. I'm impressed by Hypnotic Polish haul and I also envy you all those stamping plates! :-) :-)

    1. Yes, that's an amazing haul - and I definitely understand why!!

  5. Nice selections :) I wish I had a chance to look at them one by one.

  6. So much awesome stuff! No, I'm not jealous at all ;)

    1. No, not at all, I know :D - thanks for liking it!

  7. Wooohooow! :) That's a big big big month. :D

    Love, Lotte

  8. Haha, I actually almost did faint when I saw the plates:) Looks like a lovely haul!

    1. LOL - good it only was almost :D
      It sure is, thanks a lot!


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