
lørdag den 10. september 2016

Chanel Mirobolant 53 and Mirobolant Swing swatches

Chanel Mirobolant 53 (index and Ring finger) is the Made in France version and Mirobolant Swing (middle finger and pinkie) is the Made in USA version of the exact same polish. As far as I know they were released in 1999. They/it is a metallic warm medium brown with a lovely shimmer, and you see it in two coats. 

The bottles front and back:
It's not my kind of color, but I am happy to have them in my collection!
1.500+ indie polishes and 100+ indie brandsIndies & swatches

8 kommentarer:

  1. I'm a bit ambivalent to this color, I like the browns but I really do not know was a difficult color!=p

    1. It's also not my favorite - but I'm happy to have it in the collection!

  2. wow, 1999? that means the polishes are 17 y.o! I think they look great for their age, even tho I'm not a fan of brown shimmers :)

    1. That doesn't mean a thing for a Chanel - last Saturday I showed one possibly 40+ years ;)

  3. It's great that they just last over time :)


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