
torsdag den 22. september 2016

My stamping journey - part 43

Today you are going to meet take 158, 159 and 160...

Take 158
Take 158: The base is Masura The Universe stamped with Ya Qin An Gold, plate Yours Love Sascha YS11 Aim For The Stars, stamper Fab Ur Nails Jumbo Stamper.
Note to myself: I absolutely love it!

Take 159
Take 159: The base is Mary Kay Lemon Parfait stamped with Jolifin Night Black, plate Curali 001, stamper Fab Ur Nails Jumbo Stamper.

Take 160
Take 160: The base is ILNP Storytelling stamped with Messy Mansion Soft Gold, plate Yours Love Sascha YS14 Flower Power, stamper Fab Ur Nails Jumbo Stamper.
Note to myself: I love it - simple as that!

I love Take 158 and 160, but what do YOU think..?

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20 kommentarer:

  1. Love them all but n. 158 is a stunner :D Yeah, I love stars and so on but your stamping is just perfect :D

    1. Thank you so much - and yes, I was sooo happy about 158 :)

  2. They are all gorgeous but the first one is my favourite - that's the first time I see a galaxy mani on a magnetic polish and it went out fabulous!

    1. Thanks a lot - it was a perfect match, I also think so :)

  3. I love them all, especially first on with magnetic effect is fantastic! <3

    1. Thank you so much, I really am happy you like it!

  4. All of these are so beautiful!

  5. The first one is really gorgeous, I like it a lot ♥

    1. So do I - I didn't want to remove it LOL - thanks a lot!

  6. Hands down my fave is 160...I just can't help it, I'm partial to florals over stars -- but putting stars on a magnetic is perfect!! ;)

    1. Thank you so much :) - I also prefer florals to stars, but in this case the magnetic flame made it so unique - also name of the polish and plate were perfect for it LOL

  7. You're right, Take 158 is absolutely gorgeous! I love also Take 160, beautiful pattern and match of colours :-)

    1. Thank you so much - yes, I also love both, but was so fascinated by 158 :)


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