
fredag den 16. september 2016

Picture Polish Hercynia swatches

Picture Polish Hercynia was released in 2014 as one of the Collaboration Shades. It’s a yellow-toned green with sparkles of small holo particles and colores flecks. It was rather opaque in one coat, but this is two with a coat of Seche Vite.
It's not my kind of green, I was hoping it was less yellow - do you like it?

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22 kommentarer:

  1. yeeees i like it so much!!!!!!♥ i must put it on my wishlist!!=)

  2. Svar
    1. I'm pleased you think so, but I had thought you liked the pink this morning better LOL

  3. I love green on my nails <3 Hercynia is such a lovely shade <3

  4. Unlike you I love that shade of green! It's one of my favorite types of green. :-)

  5. hmmm, every green is my green :D

  6. It is green and shimmery, therefore I like it. :D

  7. amazing green! i need it in my collection!


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