
onsdag den 26. oktober 2011

Art Deco nail art stripers from L.A. Colors – Art Deco nail art farver fra L.A. Colors

Testing Art Deco stripers - artificial light - kunstigt lys

Testing Art Deco stripers - flash - blitz

Today the mailman brought six Art Deco stripers from L.A.Colors. They are my first of this brand, but I found a “pick 6 colors” offer not too expensive on Ebay, so I decided to give them a go.
My other nail art brands are Art Club (and I really, really like them), CM LeChat (also good) and some surprisingly OK ones with both pen and striper from China, called Nail Star.
I decided to choose four colors China Glaze as base to try the stripers out to see how opaque and easy they are to work with. Left to right: Secret Peri-wink-le, Sea Spray, White on White and Concrete Catwalk.
The Art Deco stripers are against the center of the wheel and out: NA946 Tropical, NA916 Forest Green, NA936 Flammin’, NA929 Dee-Lite, NA941 Lime Glitter, NA943 Rainbow Glitter.
Overall impression: The brushes are not really nice to work with, they have too many strands of hair and are a bit too long for my taste. On top of that the polish is thin and runs down the stem and brush, so you have to be on guard all the time if you want thin lines, and it tends to either smear or if very little on the brush – dry out. I liked the creme colors the best, the glitters were difficult to work with, the Rainbow Glitter was really difficult and the brush was pretty wide, probably a mistake.
As for their opaqueness, well the photos speak for themselves; Tropical was by far the easiest to work with; am I going to buy again: No, I’m afraid not.

I dag kom posten med seks Art Deco nail art nelgelakker fra L.A. Colors, som jeg ikke tidligere prøvet. Men jeg så et ”vælg 6 farver” tilbud til en rimelig pris på Ebay, og jeg besluttede at afprøve dem.
De andre nail art farvemærker jeg bruger er min absolutte favorit Art Club, men jeg har også et par gode fra CM LeChat og nogle overraskende OK ved navn Nail Star fra Kina, der har både børste og pen indbygget.
Jeg besluttede at vælge fire neglelakker, som jeg satte på et neglehjul, for jeg ville afprøve hvor farvetætte de nye stripere er. Fra venstre mod højre er bundfarven China Glaze: Secret Peri-wink-le, Sea Spray, White on White and Concrete Catwalk.
Art Deco striperne er fra midten af hjulet og ud: NA946 Tropical, NA916 Forest Green, NA936 Flammin’, NA929 Dee-Lite, NA941 Lime Glitter, NA943 Rainbow Glitter.
Helhedsindtryk: De indbyggede pensler er ikke gode at arbejde med, de skulle være tyndere og lidt kortere, synes jeg. Derudover er lakken tynd, den løber ned langs selve stammen og børsten, så man skal hele tiden være meget på vagt, hvis man vil lave en super tynd streg, og den flyder let ud, og hvis der er super lidt på børsten, så tørrer den hurtigt. Jeg kunne bedst li’ at arbejde med cremefarverne, glitterfarverne var svære og Rainbow Glitter var virkelig svær at arbejde med, dens børste var tillige endnu tykkere (sikkert en fejl).
Hvad farvetæthed angår, ja så taler billederne sit tydelige sprog; Tropical er den langt bedste af at arbejde med; Vil jeg købe flere af dem: Nej, det tror jeg ikke.

2 kommentarer:

  1. I love stripes,in any form:)The colors are nice,too bad they are not easy to work with:(

  2. Hi Mimi, yes, I do too, I will try them the next time I need one of the colours to complete a design :) - mayyybeee tomorrow:)


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