
torsdag den 5. januar 2012

Giveaway, Last chance - sidste chance + Swatches, yay or neigh - ja eller nej

OK, today at midnight Danish time (16 hours from I post this) the chance to enter the GIVEAWAY
Furthermore I hope you will vote - se the voting "Swatches, yay or neigh - ja eller nej" in the right side menu. You can select multiple answers, and you also can comment in this thread, if you feel a reply is missing in the voting.
I myself am torn on the subject, and I would really like to hear, what you think?
Talking about swatches - later today, you can see a new Absolute Nails polish from Douglas.

Hvis du vil deltage i min første Giveaway, så udløber den til midnat, læs mere HER 
Jeg har oprettet en afstemning vedr.: "Swatches, yay or neigh - ja eller nej", som du finder i højre sidemenu. Jeg håber du lige vil bruge et øjeblik på at give din mening tilkende, jeg ved nemlig ikke helt selv, hvad jeg synes om swatches (præsentation af en neglelak). Du kan sætte hak ved flere svar, f.eks. 2, og hvis der mangler en svarmulighed, kan du også skrive her.
Og nu vi er ved emnet swatches , så kommer der senere i dag en ny lak fra  Absolute Nails fra Douglas.

5 kommentarer:

  1. I love nail art,but I like to see swatches as well.That is a good way to see how a nail polish really look on the nails,to read about how pigmented the color is and so on.Its a nice way to get to know maybe some new brands that we don't know or don't sell in our country:)

  2. You are of course right. Mimi. I like them too, especially when new collections come out, and I consider buying some of them, or if want to check out an older color.
    But I also tend to get bored when blogs I read seem to do swatch after swatch.
    So that's why I want to hear what the readers think.
    If the general opinion is, that swatches are OK mixed with nail art, then I can use swatches to fill in gaps rather than posting nothing at all without feeling bad about it.

  3. I love nail art! And I love to see what others think of polishes! Not everyone will have the same exact opinion. I put swatches in because They tell the colors I use in my nail art. What might look good as a base coat with nail art! Might not like alone or vise versa. But In the end its what you feel best about for your blog! I have to feel what I'm doing. Not everyone like nail art or swatches.

  4. I nominate you for the Kreativ Blog Award! All the info is on my blog!

  5. Nail Reflections, you are of course right, and I too have to feel what I'm doing, but I really have thought about this question, so it's so nice to have other views - and it seems there is no need to feel "guilty" if I put swatches on the blog too!
    AND OMG!!!! an award for me... woow, blushing - I'm so honored - thank you.
    I'm in a really tight spot right now timewise, and I have some questions, so I'll send you an email on, OK??


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