
lørdag den 14. januar 2012

Zebra - wildlife animal print - dyreprint

Dansk, se længere nede.
You can make a zebra with thicker or thinner, many or fewer lines, and you can of course use any colors you like. Google provides a lot of photos, if you want photos for zebra inspiration. Finally you can use one of the many stamping plates with a zebra pattern, but it’s very easy to do yourself…
This was my 2 first zebra attempts. Over my base coat I added two coats of China Glaze White on White and let it dry in both attempts.
Zebra 1 with the thickest stripes: I used a 2-way nail art pen to draw the zebra stripes, and was a bit too quick and didn’t wait until they were completely dry before I added my Seche Vite top coat, as you can see there is a light smudging.
Du kan male tykkere eller tyndere og færre eller flere striber, når du maler zebra mønster på dine negle. Du kan naturligvis også anvende den farvekombination, du bedst kan li’. Endelig kan du også stampe/stemple dem på ved at bruge en af de utallige zebra mønster plader, der findes. Men de er meget lette selv at male…
Dette var mine to første zebra forsøg. Jeg lagde to lag China Glaze White on White over min base coat og led det tørre helt.
Zebra 1 med de tykkeste striber:
Jeg bruge en tovejs nail art pen til at tegne striberne med, og jeg var lidt for hurtig til at lægge top coaten. Som du kan se var striberne ikke helt tørre, og det bevirkede at der blev en let udtværing af mønsteret.

Zebra 2 with thinner and fewer lines: I the initial steps as above, and then I used a fine brush and acrylic color for the stripes, and I sealed it with Seche Vite.
Zebra 2 med tyndere og færre linier: Jeg fulgte de samme indledende trin og brugte en fin pensel og acrylfarve til striberne. Jeg brugte Seche Vite som Top Coat.

Finally I put Essie Matte About You (matte top coat) on both mani's, and I think, I like the matte zebra better - which zebra do you like the best?
Jeg at lagde Essie Matte About You (mat top coat) på begge zebraer, og jeg tror, at jeg foretrækker den ”matte zebra” – hvilken kan du bedst li’?

6 kommentarer:

  1. The stripes look very realistic,I like it.I like tha matte version better as well:)

  2. Thanks Mimi, I'm not overly pleased with Zebra's, they were prettier IRL LOL

  3. nice! i like the matted version best i think! i've also passed the cute blog award back to you! :)

  4. Thanks Kelly, I appreciate it :)

  5. Looks so cute! This one the matte I like too!

  6. Thanks Nail Reflections, after I posted these photos, I actually hate them, the stripes makes my nails look extra broad and fat LOL
    I'll redo them with stripes in the vertical direction :)


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