
lørdag den 4. februar 2012

H&M Wanna Pepperoni swatches and review- anmeldelse

This is 2 coats of H&M Wanna Pepperoni over a ridge filler and with no top coat. It dries a bit on the slow side, but otherwise OK to work with. The color is a curry-olive-mustard – if that color exists :)
Note after removing 1 day later: It stained my nails, not terribly, but somewhat.
Her ser du 2 lag H&M Wanna Pepperoni over en ridge filler, men uden en top coat. Den tørrer lidt langsomt, men er ellers OK at arbejde med. Farven er en karry-oliven-sennep, hvis en sådan farve da ellers
eksisterer ;)
Note da jeg fjerner den en dag senere: Den gav let misfarvning, ikke meget, men dog tydeligt.

8 kommentarer:

  1. At first I didn't like the mustard-like shades, but... I guess I'm just another fashion victim because now I like them ;D LOL

    1. LOL, sound like my story, Christina, but this iS the only mustard, I have.... so far ;)

  2. What an odd name for this color--though it's an odd color, so I suppose an odd name makes some sort of sense. I have a fondness for buying these sorts of colors but never seem to wear them when it comes time to do a mani.

    1. KarenD, so true on both, nah, actually all 3 accounts LOL

  3. Thank you Lydz, I hope you like it even better tomorrow with unplugged nail art :)

  4. I like to see this color,and I even had two polishes of similar shades but it just doesnt look that good on me:(

    1. Mimi, yes, I know what you mean, I didn't like it on me on it's own, but with the unplugged nail art, it was really OK...


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